Approval of the preliminary plat shall constitute approval of the basic layout of the subdivision or site plan and off-site improvements, materials and type of construction to be used, pipe sizes, typical sections, basic design criteria and other matters of a fundamental nature affecting the subdivision or site plan. It shall not constitute final approval of the precise location of all lot lines, improvements, etc., or the precise number and location of all appurtenances or other details.
Approval of the final plat shall constitute final approval of the precise layout of the subdivision or site plan and all improvements, including all the various details connected therewith. It shall not, however, preclude the various municipal bodies having jurisdiction from requiring work not shown on the plans where such work is necessary to ensure the integrity of the improvements which are shown on the plans. Such unforeseen work would primarily involve, without limitation, construction of underdrains in areas where, in the opinion of the Engineer, a high water table would threaten the integrity of street pavement or removal of unstable soils where they would be unsatisfactory as a foundation or subgrade material for any of the various improvements.
Inspections will be made at the times outlined below. The developer shall give the Engineer notice of the need for inspection by no later than 4:00 p.m. of the second business day preceding the day on which such inspection will be required.
In general, inspection will not be continuous during construction work. Visual inspection will be carried out periodically as the work progresses to check those aspects of the work which cannot be properly inspected subsequent to its completion. However, checks for grade, alignment, thickness, gradation, etc., will be made periodically after completion of the work. It is the intention of these regulations that proper performance of the work is solely the responsibility of the developer.
Any policing or supervision of the work necessary to ensure proper performance shall be carried out by the developer, not the municipal bodies. Inspection carried out by agents of municipal bodies are for the purpose of advising the municipality concerning the acceptability of the work, not for policing or supervising the work. Also, the Engineer will be available on request to provide advice to the developer concerning proper procedure and acceptability of the work and for assistance in resolution of any problems which may arise.
Inspection times.
All pipe work and appurtenances shall be inspected prior to being backfilled and subsequent to being backfilled. Where backfill is to be made continuously, as pipe is laid, inspection may be continuous. A television investigation of all storm drainage pipes shall be performed by the developer and witnessed by the Township Engineer as part of the final inspection process prior to the release of performance guaranties and acceptance of the subject improvements.
On street paving work, the subgrade shall be inspected prior to placing base course material; the first course pavement and subsequent to the base course; prior to second course pavement and subsequent to first course pavement; and the finished pavement subsequent to placing of the second course pavement. Thickness and gradation of the base course and pavement and bituminous content of the pavement will be checked after construction thereof. The contractor shall cut pavement samples if directed by the Engineer in order that such checks can be made.
Curb, gutter and sidewalks will be inspected subsequent to form setting and prior to pouring and subsequent to pouring and finishing. The curing method shall also be inspected. Compaction of the subgrade shall be approved by the Engineer prior to setting forms.
Until public improvements have been deeded to the Township, inspections of all completed improvements will be performed to insure that the improvements are being properly maintained. These inspections will be made at six-month intervals, unless otherwise specified by the Township Engineer. The contractor shall complete, in a timely fashion, any necessary remedial construction as directed by the Township Engineer. If necessary, the Township Engineer may recommend withholding building permits until remedial work is satisfactorily completed.
In addition to the above inspections, the Engineer or his representatives will make periodic visits to the project as they may deem necessary to properly check and inspect work being performed.
The developer shall provide free and adequate access to all parts of the work for inspection by the Engineer or his representatives and shall provide all necessary labor, tools, equipment, machinery, etc., as may be required for proper inspection of the work.
The developer shall at all times during the course of the work:
Maintain a complete set of approved plans, specifications, bond estimate and other documents on the site.
Provide a representative at the site with authority to make whatever decisions are required or to promptly receive and relay messages from the Engineer.