All fuel oil burners subject to automatic ignition shall be provided with a permanent an approved automatic device so designed that oil, upon entering the combustion chamber, shall be immediately ignited or the oil supply shall be immediately shut off.
Gravity-fed space heaters and hot water heaters shall be provided with a constant level safety float valve or other approved device to prevent flooding of the burner due to ignition failure or any other cause.
All fuel oil burners used with warm air, hot water, or steam heating systems shall be provided with an approved warm air limit control, hot water limit control, or pressure limit control, and low water cut off, respectively to automatically shut off the burner when safe limits of temperature and/or pressure are exceeded; except that this requirement shall not be required for warm air space heaters.
Room thermostats, when required, shall be of approved type.
Electrically operated controls shall be so designed that failure of electric current will cause the burner to be shut off or, in case of pot-type burners, will place burners on low-flame operation.