§ 143-33
Applicant to pay fees for plan review and costs. 

§ 143-34
Expenses covered by fees. 

§ 143-35
Township Stormwater Management Operation and Maintenance Fund. 

The Township may charge a reasonable fee for review of BMP(s) operations and maintenance plans to defray review costs incurred by the Township and shall establish this fee by resolution. The applicant shall pay all such fees.

The fees required by this chapter may cover:


Administrative/clerical costs.


The review of the BMP(s) operations and maintenance plan by the Township Engineer.


The site inspections, including, but not limited to, preconstruction meetings, inspections during construction of stormwater BMP(s), and final inspection upon completion of the stormwater BMPs.


Any additional work required to monitor and enforce any provisions of this chapter, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.


If stormwater BMP(s) are accepted by the Township for dedication, the Township may require persons installing stormwater BMP(s) to pay a specified amount to the Township Stormwater Management Operation and Maintenance Fund to help defray costs of operations and maintenance activities. The amount may be determined as follows:


If the facility is to be owned and maintained by the Township, the amount shall cover the estimated costs for operations and maintenance for 15 years, as determined by the Township.


The amount shall then be converted to present worth of the annual series values.


If a BMP(s) is proposed that also serves as a recreation facility (e.g. ball field, lake), the Township may adjust the amount due accordingly.