When used in this chapter, unless otherwise expressly stated or unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Items requiring special pickup and handing by the trash company. This definition shall include discarded refrigerators, household furniture, electronic equipment, yard furniture and machinery, any "bulky" type items that would not normally fit into a trash can that fall under the definition of "garbage" or "rubbish."
Wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food; wastes from the handling, storage and sale of produce; and all waste or discarded animal or vegetable matter capable of fermentation or decay.
Wastes that are offensive to smell or capable of causing contamination or are otherwise obnoxious and offensive.
The separation of plastics, glass, metal, paper, cardboard and placed in individual containers to be placed at curbside for pickup by trash hauler.
Any person, firm, corporation or legal entity carrying on the business of receiving, collecting, transporting or disposing of garbage, refuse and bulk rubbish or other waste for hire within the Town of Fallsburg.
Waste material, tin cans, ashes, cinders, glass, pottery, cardboard or cardboard products, rubber, leather, paper or paper products, plastic, metal materials and all other discarded substances of a solid and incombustible or combustible nature.