All the inhabitants dwelling within the territorial limits of the town of West Hartford, as heretofore constituted, shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name of "The Town of West Hartford," hereinafter called "the town," and as such shall have perpetual succession and may hold and exercise all powers and privileges heretofore exercised by said town and not inconsistent with the provisions of this charter, the additional powers and privileges conferred upon towns under the general law of the State of Connecticut.
All property, both real and personal, all rights of action and rights of every description and all securities and liens vested or inchoate in said town as of the effective date of this charter are continued in said town, and said town shall continue to be liable for all debts and obligations of every kind for which said town shall be liable on said date, whether accrued or not. Nothing herein shall be construed to affect the right of said town to collect any assessment, charge or debt, or lien.
In addition to all powers granted to towns under the constitution and general law, the town shall have all powers specifically granted by this charter and all powers fairly implied in or incident to the powers expressly granted and all other powers incident to the management of the town, including the power to enter into contracts with the United States or any federal agency, State of Connecticut or any political subdivision thereof for services and the use of facilities, the exercise of which is not expressly forbidden by the constitution and general law of the State of Connecticut. The enumeration of particular powers in this and any other chapter of this charter shall not be construed as limiting this general grant of power but shall be considered as an addition thereto.