No person shall in any way or manner erase, cancel, obliterate, deface, cover, remove or alter any brand, tag, label or other marking required by any of the provisions of this chapter to be attached or affixed to any can, vessel, package or other container.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell as cider vinegar or apple vinegar which is not produced exclusively by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentation of the juice of apples, or is not laevorotatory, or the total amount of acid in 100 cubic centimeters of which calculated as acetic acid, is less than four grams, or which contains less than 1.6 grams of apple solids or less than 0.25 of one gram of apple ash in 100 cubic centimeters. The water-soluble ash from 100 cubic centimeters of the vinegar shall require not less than 30 cubic centimeters of deci-normal acid to neutralize its alkalinity and shall contain not less than 10 milligrams of phosphoric anhydride.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell as wine vinegar or grape vinegar any vinegar which is not produced exclusively by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of the juice of the grape, or the total amount of acid in 100 cubic centimeters of which, calculated as acetic acid, is less than four grams or which contains less than 1.4 grams or grape solids or less than 0.13 of one gram of grapeash in 100 centimeters.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell as malt vinegar any vinegar which is not made exclusively by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations, without distillation, of an infusion of barley, malt or cereals whose starch has been converted by malt, or is not dextrorotatory or the total amount of acid in 100 cubic centimeters of which calculated as acetic acid, is less than four grams or which contains less than two grams of solid or less than 0.2 of one gram of ash in 100 cubic centimeters of deci-normal acid to neutralize its alkalinity and shall contain not less than nine milligrams of phosphoric anhydride.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell as glucose vinegar which is not made exclusively by the alcoholic and subsequent fermentations of solutions of starch sugar, glucose or glucose syrup, or is not dextrorotatory, or the total amount of acid in 100 cubic centimeters of which, calculated as acetic acid, is less than four grams.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell as spirit vinegar, distilled vinegar or grain vinegar any vinegar which is not made exclusively by the acetous fermentation of dilute distilled alcohol, or the total amount of acid in 100 cubic centimeters of which, calculated as acetic acid, is less than four grams.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell any vinegar the total amount of acid in 100 cubic centimeters of which, calculated as acetic acid, is less than four grams, or which contains any mineral acid, any artificial coloring matter or any preservative.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for distribution or sale or have in his possession with intent to distribute or sell any vinegar contained in any barrel, vessel, bottle or package, unless such barrel, vessel, bottle or package bears a label or imprint thereon in legible type designating the name and address of the manufacturer of the vinegar and the name of the particular kind of vinegar contained therein.