Every building, room, basement or cellar occupied or used as a bakery, confectionery, cannery, packing-house, slaughterhouse, dairy, creamery, cheese factory, restaurant, hotel, grocery, meat market or other place or apartment used for the production, manufacture, preparation, packing, storage or distribution of food intended for sale or distribution shall be properly lighted, drained, plumbed and ventilated, and the operations carried on in such building, room, basement or cellar shall be conducted in such a manner that the purity and wholesomeness of the food therein produced, manufactured, prepared, packed, stored, sold or distributed shall not be impaired.
The floors, side walls, ceilings, furniture, receptacles, implements and machinery of every establishment or place where food intended for distribution or sale is produced, manufactured, prepared, packed, stored, sold or distributed and all cars, trucks and vehicles used in the transportation of such food products shall at no time be kept in an unclean or unsanitary condition. All food intended for distribution or sale in the process of production, manufacture, preparation, packing, storing, sale, distribution or transportation shall be securely protected from flies, dust, dirt and, so far as the same is possible, by the use of all reasonable means, from all other foreign or injurious contamination; the refuse, dirt and waste products subject to decomposition or fermentation incident to the production, manufacture, preparation, packing, storing, sale, distribution or transportation of food shall be removed daily. The clothing worn by all operatives, employees, clerks and other persons while engaged in work in any of the places where food intended for sale or distribution is produced, manufactured, prepared, packed, stored, sold, distributed or transported shall be in a clean condition at all times. No person shall transport any such food in such a manner that the purity or wholesomeness thereof shall be in any wise impaired.
The side walls of every bakery, confectionery, creamery, cheese factory, hotel or restaurant kitchen shall be well plastered, wainscoted or ceiled with metal or lumber and shall be oil-painted or kept well lime-washed, and all interior woodwork in every bakery, confectionery, creamery, cheese factory, hotel or restaurant kitchen shall be kept well oiled or painted with oil paint and shall be kept washed clean with soap and water; and every building, room, basement or cellar occupied or used for the preparation, manufacture, packing, storage, sale or distribution of food intended for distribution or sale in which food is exposed shall have a tight floor made of cement or of tile laid in cement, brick, wood or other suitable material which can be flushed or washed clean with water.
All operatives, clerks, employees, or other persons who handle the material from which food intended for distribution or sale is prepared or the finished product, before beginning work and after visiting the toilet, shall wash their hands and arms thoroughly with clean water and soap, and every owner or manager of any place in which food is produced, manufactured, prepared, packed, stored, distributed or sold shall provide adequate facilities for such washing, and it shall be the duty of every such owner or manager to take all reasonable means to compel all operatives, employees, clerks or other persons handling the material from which such food is prepared or the finished product to perform such washing as aforesaid. All toilets, lavatories and washrooms shall be separate and apart from the room or rooms where any processes incident to the production, manufacture, preparation, packing, storage, sale or distribution of such food are carried on, and such toilets, lavatories and washrooms shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
Cuspidors for the use of operatives, employes, clerks or other persons shall be provided wherever necessary, and each cuspidor shall be emptied and thoroughly washed out daily with a disinfectant solution and at least five ounces of such disinfectant solution shall be left in each cuspidor while the same is in use. No operative, employee, clerk, or other persons shall expectorate anywhere in any building, room, basement or cellar where the production, manufacture, preparation, packing, storage, sale or distribution of any food intended for sale or distribution is conducted, except in cuspidors provided for that purpose.
No person or persons shall be allowed to live or sleep in any room where food intended for sale or distribution is produced, manufactured, packed, distributed or sold.
No employer shall require, permit or allow any person to work nor shall any person work in any building, room, basement, cellar or vehicle occupied or used for the production, preparation, manufacture, packing, storage, sale, distribution or transportation of food intended for sale or distribution is effected with any communicable disease.