To guide the future growth and development of the town in accordance with a comprehensive plan, which plan is embodied in this chapter, having taken into consideration applicable plans of town, county, regional, state and federal agencies.
To regulate and limit the height, bulk and location of structures and buildings; to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts and any other open space; and to regulate the density of population in any given area and, for said purposes, to divide the town into districts.
To regulate each class of structures and buildings uniformly throughout each district, although the regulations in some districts will differ from those in other districts.
To secure safety from fire, flood and other dangers and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, including, so far as conditions permit, making adequate provisions for light, air, convenience of access and solar energy use.
To regulate for each district the uses for which structures may be erected, altered or occupied, and for which land may be used, in consideration of, among other things, the character of the district, the protection of the environment, the preservation of property values, the value and uses of the land, the pattern of building development and the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare.
To protect the character and social and economic stability, and to encourage the orderly and beneficial development of the town and its neighborhoods; to protect the town against unsightly, obtrusive and obnoxious land uses and operations; and to enhance the aesthetic aspects of the natural and man-made elements of the town.
To bring about the conformity of the use of structures and land with the comprehensive plan, and to minimize existing and potential future conflicts among the uses of land.
To promote the most beneficial relationship between the use of structures and land and the circulation of traffic throughout the town, having particular regard to the avoidance of congestion in the streets and to the provision of safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian traffic movements, including off-street parking and loading.
To provide a guide for public policy and action in the efficient provision of public facilities and services, and for private enterprise in building development, investment and other economic activity relating to uses of structures and land throughout the town.
To limit development to that which will not exceed the capacity of existing and programmed public facilities and services.
To encourage the preservation and protection of the town's natural resources, including surface and groundwater quality and quantity, vegetation and wildlife habitats and waterfronts; and to ensure appropriate development with relation to those natural resources.
To minimize stormwater runoff and maximize the quality and quantity of groundwater recharge; to minimize flooding and erosion by protecting the functions of wetlands, waterbodies, watercourses, floodplains, areas of high water table, steep slopes, erosion hazard areas and natural vegetative cover; and to encourage the appropriate use, protection and sound management of natural resources throughout the town.
To encourage the protection of scenic vistas, historical buildings and sites, sensitive archaeological areas and other important visual and cultural resources.
To offer the opportunity for a balanced array of housing, taking into consideration the needs of both the town and the region.
To encourage the properly planned revitalization, rehabilitation and/or redevelopment of existing substandard areas.