[Ord. No. 1069, § 2, 4-29-1991; Ord. No. 1196, § 1, 7-15-1996]
A building or group of buildings may be erected, altered or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
Two-family duplex dwelling.
Townhouse dwellings.
Accessory use on the same lot with customarily incidental to any permitted use stated above, except that outdoor storage garages shall be prohibited.
Communal living facilities and sober living environments, subject to parking requirements in Article XVII, Section 1700.
[Added by Ord. No. 1665, 12-14-2020]
[Ord. No. 1069, § 2, 4-29-1991; Ord. No. 1196, § 1, 7-15-1996]
The maximum height of buildings and other structures erected or enlarged in this district shall be:
For any dwelling, thirty-five (35) feet.
For any building accessory to any dwelling use, fourteen (14) feet.
[Ord. No. 1069, § 2, 4-29-1991; Ord. No. 1133, § 9, 9-27-1993; Ord. No. 1196, § 1, 7-15-1996; Ord. No. 1476, § 16, 6-11-2007]
Dimensional schedule.
Duplex Dwelling
Minimum lot area
4,000 sq. ft./family
2,800 sq. ft./family
Minimum lot width
80 feet
24 feet
Maximum building coverage
Minimum impervious surface coverage
Minimum green space area
Front yard
30 feet
30 feet
Side yards
10 feet and 25 feet aggregate
15 feet
Rear yard
25 feet
25 feet
Where dwelling units are to be sold as condominiums, individual minimum lot area shall apply. The following dimensional requirements shall apply:
Setback from edge of public or private street: forty (40) feet.
Minimum distance between any two (2) buildings.
End of one building to the next building: thirty (30) feet.
Spacing from any other building facade shall be at least fifty (50) feet but never less than twice the height of the taller building.
[Ord. No. 1069, § 2, 4-29-1991; Ord. No. 1196, § 1, 7-15-1996; Ord. No. 1251, § 2, 1-26-1998; Ord. No. 1253, § 4, 1-26-1998; Ord. No. 1382, § 2, 8-12-2002]
Two-family duplex dwellings, a maximum of five (5) dwellings per developable acre. "Developable acre" shall be defined as the area contained within the property lines of the lot(s) excluding that portion of the acreage used for public roads, the ultimate right-of-way of public roads, overhead and underground utility lines (except stormwater management systems), wetlands, floodplains as defined in this ordinance, and land areas with slopes of fifteen (15) percent or greater.
For townhouse dwellings, a maximum of seven (7) dwellings per developable acre. "Developable acre" shall be defined as the area contained within the property lines of the lot(s) excluding that portion of the acreage used for public roads, the ultimate right-of-way of public roads, overhead and underground utility lines (except stormwater management systems), wetlands, flood plains as defined in this Ordinance, and land areas with slopes of fifteen (15) percent or greater.
General Regulations.
Tract area. Not less than five (5) contiguous acres exclusive of all existing rights-of-way for public or private streets shall be provided for every area proposed to be used in whole or in part for a two-family duplex or townhouse development.
Tract ownership. The tract of land to be developed shall be in one ownership or shall be the subject of a single application filed jointly by the owners of the entire tract and it shall be agreed that the tract shall be developed under single direction and in accordance with the Plymouth Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, this article and other pertinent sections of this ordinance.
Road frontage. Any lots, tracts or parcels developed pursuant to the provisions of the D-1 Residential District shall not require frontage upon a public street. All interior roadways, passageways and vehicular passageways shall be in conformity with the street standards under section 501 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 1980, Ordinance No. 837, as amended.
Ownership. Nothing herein contained shall preclude the sale of individual townhouse units with lots in fee simple ownership, by condominium or other ownership mechanism. Nothing contained herein shall prevent ownership and leasing of individual units or multiple units to separate and distinct individuals or families, provided that each lot is held single and separate ownership.
Buffers. A two-family duplex or townhouse development shall provide a permanently landscaped planting area of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth immediately adjacent to the boundary line, designed and planted to serve as a screening barrier from any adjoining and contiguous industrial, commercial, office, apartment or other residential district and including locations where a boundary is formed by a public street. In those instances where the boundary line abuts permanent natural features which function as buffers including, but not limited to, stream valleys, ponds, severe grade changes, or natural woodlands, the buffer may, at the discretion of the Township Council, be waived pursuant to the provisions of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of 1980, Ordinance No. 837, as amended,[1] for that portion of the boundary. The planting area screening barrier shall be a row of evergreen trees, of a height of not less than six (6) feet when planted, spaced not more than ten (10) feet apart on centers, of such a species which attains a height at maturity of not less than twenty (20) feet.
Editor's Note: See Appendix C, Subdivision and Land Development.
Open space.
A minimum twenty-five (25) percent portion of the total site area, exclusive of the required public improvements and private streets and parking areas, shall be provided for open space and recreation.
Private yards associated with individual dwelling units are not considered a portion of open space, but buffers may be included. Private yards may extend beyond the building envelope in condominium development only, unless waived by Council pursuant to the provisions of the Subdivisions and Land Development Ordinance of 1980, Ordinance No. 837, as amended.
Eighty (80) percent of the open space must remain pervious.
Off-street parking.
Not less than two (2) off-street automobile parking spaces exclusive of garage areas shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
Individual parking spaces shall be a minimum dimension of nine (9) feet in width by eighteen (18) feet in length and shall be designed to permit access to and egress from the parking space not requiring the moving of any other vehicle where group parking of three (3) or more spaces are designed.
Any common parking area shall:
Be located twenty-five (25) feet or more from an existing or proposed road right-of-way line;
Be located twenty (20) feet or more from the front of adjacent two- family duplex or townhouse dwelling units; and fifteen (15) feet or more from the side or rear of dwelling units;
Devote an additional ten (10) percent of all required parking area to interior parking lot landscaping.
In addition to the above, visitor or guest parking shall be provided on the basis of twenty-five one-hundredths (0.25) parking spaces per dwelling unit which shall be distributed throughout the residential development.
General Building Requirements.
Setbacks. The minimum building setbacks shall be forty (40) feet from any property line including the buffer area required in this section; and thirty (30) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line of any adjoining public street which shall include the required buffer area.
Building size and configuration. There shall be no more than six (6) units attached in any configuration within any one building.
Building setbacks. No more than two (2) contiguous units shall have a uniform setback from the street line, rear lot line, or parking area. Such variation shall be a minimum of three (3) feet.
Duplexes. Duplex dwelling unit may be attached to the ends of buildings also containing townhouse dwelling units. Where such a mix is provided, only one side yard shall be required for the duplex dwellings.