[HISTORY: Adopted by the Planning Board of the Town of Newbury 2-6-2013. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 97.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 117.
The purpose of these Rules and Regulations is to establish uniform regulations and procedures for conducting the business of the Planning Board acting as the Special Permit Granting Authority for Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) as established under Section 97-5.C.(3) of Chapter 97, Zoning, of the Code of the Town of Newbury.
These Rules and Regulations are adopted by the Planning Board as authorized by M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 9, and by the Zoning By-Law,[1] Town of Newbury.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 97, Zoning.
Strict compliance with any provision of these Rules and Regulations may be waived only if the Planning Board finds that the application contains all necessary information required by these Rules and Regulations, meets all applicable requirements of the By-Law and in the Board's opinion the granting of such waiver is in the public interest. Any request from an applicant for a waiver from these Rules and Regulations must be submitted in writing to the Planning Board and must clearly identify the provision or provisions for which a waiver is being sought, and if applicable, must describe the alternative location of information or method of compliance. In addition, such request shall be accompanied by a statement setting forth the reason or reasons why, in the applicant's opinion, the granting of such a waiver or waivers would be in the public interest and consistent with the intent and purpose of the By-Law.
Conference. The applicant is very strongly encouraged to request a pre-application review at a regular business meeting of the Planning Board. If one is requested, the Planning Board shall invite the Conservation Commission, Board of Health, the Open Space Committee and Historical Commission. The purpose of a pre-application review is to minimize the applicant's costs of engineering and other technical experts, and to commence negotiations with the Planning Board at the earliest possible stage in the development. At the pre-application review, the applicant may outline the proposed OSRD, seek preliminary feedback from the Planning Board and/or its technical experts, and set a timetable for submittal of a formal application. At the request of the applicant and at the expense of the applicant, the Planning Board may engage technical experts to review the informal plans of the applicant and to facilitate submittal of a formal application for an OSRD special permit.
Submittals. In order to facilitate review of the OSRD at the pre-application stage, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit the following information:
Site Context Map. This map illustrates the parcel in connection to its surrounding neighborhood. Based upon existing data sources and field inspections, it should show various kinds of major natural resource areas or features that cross parcel lines or that are located on adjoining lands. This map enables the Planning Board to understand the site in relation to what is occurring on adjacent properties.
Existing Conditions/Site Analysis Map. This map familiarizes officials with existing conditions on the property. Based upon existing data sources and field inspections, this base map locates and describes noteworthy resources that should be left protected through sensitive subdivision layouts. These resources include wetlands, riverfront areas, floodplains and steep slopes, but may also include mature undegraded woodlands, hedgerows, farmland, unique or special wildlife habitats, historic, archaeological, or cultural features (such as old structures or stone walls), unusual geologic formations and scenic views into and out from the property. Where appropriate, photographs of these resources should accompany the map. By overlaying this plan onto a development plan the parties involved can clearly see where conservation priorities and desired development overlap/conflict;
Other Information. In addition, applicants are invited to submit the information set forth in 97-5C.(8).a in a form acceptable to the Planning Board.
Site Visit. Applicants are encouraged to request a site visit by the Planning Board and/or its agents in order to facilitate pre-application review of the OSRD. If one is requested, the Planning Board shall invite the Conservation Commission, Board of Health, the Open Space Committee, and the Historical Commission.
Design Criteria. The design process and criteria set forth in § 97-5.C.(8) should be discussed by the parties at the pre-application conference and site visit.
An application for a special permit for an OSRD shall be submitted on the form(s) provided by the Planning Board in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board. Applicants for OSRD shall also file with the Planning Board eight copies of the Concept Plan. The Concept Plan shall include a Sketch Plan and a Yield Plan (see below, Subsection (1) and (2) of this section). The applicant shall submit both the Site Context Map and Existing Conditions/Site Analysis Map prepared according to § 112-2.B. above. Additional information reasonably necessary to make the determinations and assessments cited herein shall be provided, including existing site contour maps and existing current soil maps.
Yield Plan. The Basic Maximum Number of allowable units shall be derived from a Yield Plan. The Yield Plan shall show a conventional development conforming to the applicable Zoning By-Law provisions and Subdivision Rules and Regulations to show the maximum number of lots (or dwelling units) that could be placed upon the site under a conventional development approach. The proponent shall have the burden of proof with regard to the Basic Maximum Number of lots resulting from the design and engineering specifications shown on the Yield Plan.
The Yield Plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
Parcel boundaries, north point, date, legend, title "Yield Plan," and scale.
The name and address of the record owner or owners, the applicant, and the design engineer and/or land surveyor that prepared the plan.
The names, approximate location, and widths of adjacent streets.
Existing topography at 2-foot contour intervals.
Map of soils using NRCS soils mapping.
All on-site local, state, and federal regulatory resource boundaries and buffer zones shall be clearly identified, and all wetland flag locations shall be numbered and placed upon the Yield Plan.
Lot lines with approximate areas and frontage dimensions, or unit placements and proposed common areas.
Location and extent of parking, landscaping, stormwater management, water supply and wastewater management service areas that would be required to accommodate the use.
If available, the location and results of any test pit investigations for soil profiles, percolation rates and determination of seasonal high ground water levels.
Sketch Plan. The Sketch Plan shall be prepared by a certified Landscape Architect, or by a multi-disciplinary team of which one member must be a certified Landscape Architect, and shall address the general features of the land, and give approximate configurations of the lots, of unit placements if treated as a condominium, of open space, and roadways. The Sketch Plan shall incorporate the Four-Step Design Process, according to § 97-5C.(8) and the Design Standards, according to § 97-5C.(9), when determining a proposed design for the development. The Sketch Plan shall include the following:
The subdivision name, boundaries, north point, date, legend, title "Concept Plan," and scale;
The name and address of the record owner or owners, the applicant, and the Landscape Architect or other designer that prepared the plan;
The names, approximate location, and widths of adjacent streets;
The proposed topography of the land shown at a contour interval no greater than two feet. Elevations shall be referred to mean sea level;
The location of existing landscape features, including forests, farm fields, meadows, wetlands, riverfront areas, waterbodies, archaeological and historic structures or points of interest, rock outcrops, boulder fields, stone walls, cliffs, high points, major land views, forest glades, major tree groupings, noteworthy tree specimens, and habitats of endangered or threatened wildlife, as identified as primary and secondary resources according to § 97-5.C.(8)(a). Proposals for all site features to be preserved, demolished, or moved shall be noted on the Sketch Plan;
All on-site local, state, and federal regulatory resource boundaries and buffer zones shall be clearly identified, and all wetland flag locations shall be numbered and placed upon the Sketch Plan;
Lines showing proposed private residential lots, as located during Step Four, § 97-5.C.(8)(d), with approximate areas and frontage dimensions, or unit placements and proposed common areas;
All existing and proposed features and amenities, including trails, recreation areas, pedestrian and bicycle paths, community buildings, and off-street parking areas shall be shown on the plan and described in a brief narrative explanation, where appropriate;
The existing and proposed lines of streets, ways, common driveways, easements and any parcel of land intended to be dedicated for public use or to be reserved by deed covenant for use of all property owners in the subdivision, or unit development, or parcels of land or lots to be used for any purpose other than private residential shall be so designated within the subdivision in a general manner;
Proposed roadway grades;
Official soil percolation tests for the purpose of sitting wastewater treatment options shall be required as determined by the Planning Board. However, a narrative explanation shall be prepared by a certified Professional Engineer detailing the proposed wastewater systems that will be utilized by the development and its likely impacts on-site and to any abutting parcels of land. For example, the narrative will specify whether individual on-site or off-site systems, shared systems, alternative to Title V systems, or any combination of these or other methods will be utilized;
A narrative explanation prepared by a certified Professional Engineer proposing systems for stormwater drainage and its likely impacts on-site and to any abutting parcels of land. For example, the narrative will specify whether soft or hard engineering methods will be used and the number of any detention/retention basins or infiltrating catch basins; it is not intended to include specific pipe sizes. Any information needed to justify this proposal should be included in the narrative. The approximate location of any stormwater management detention/retention basins shall be shown on the plan and accompanied by a conceptual landscaping plan;
A narrative explanation prepared by a certified Professional Engineer, detailing the proposed drinking water supply system;
A narrative explanation of the proposed quality, quantity, use and ownership of the open space. Open space parcels shall be clearly shown on the plan;
All proposed landscaped and buffer areas shall be noted on the plan and generally explained in a narrative;
A list of all legal documents necessary for implementation of the proposed development, including any Conservation Restrictions, land transfers, and Master Deeds or condominium documents, with an accompanying narrative explaining their general purpose;
A narrative indicating all requested waivers, reductions, and/or modifications as permitted within the requirements of this By-Law.
Relationship between Concept Plan and Open Space Definitive Subdivision Plan. The issuance of a Concept Plan special permit allows the applicant to submit an Open Space Definitive Subdivision Plan to the Planning Board for approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Any Concept Plan special permit issued by the Planning Board shall specifically state that the Open Space Definitive Subdivision Plan shall substantially comply with the Concept Plan.
Filing and Review requirements.
Whenever an application for an OSRD special permit is filed with the Planning Board, the applicant shall also file, within five (5) working days of the filing of the completed application, copies of the application, accompanying development plan, and other documentation, to the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, Building Inspector, Highway Department, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Town Engineer for their consideration, review, and report. The applicant shall furnish the copies necessary to fulfill this requirement.
Reports from other boards and officials shall be submitted to the Planning Board within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of the reviewing party of all of the required materials; failure of these reviewing parties to make recommendations after having received copies of all such required materials shall be deemed a lack of opposition thereto. In the event that the public hearing by the Planning Board is held prior to the expiration of the thirty-five-day period, the Planning Board shall continue the public hearing to permit the formal submission of reports and recommendations within that thirty-five-day period. The Decision/Findings of the Planning Board shall contain, in writing, an explanation for any departures from the recommendations of any reviewing party.
Whether or not conducted during the pre-application stage, the Planning Board shall conduct a site visit during the time period of the public hearing. At the site visit, the Planning Board and/or its agents shall be accompanied by the applicant and/or its agents.
The submittals and permits of this section shall be in addition to any other requirements of the Subdivision Control Law[1] or any other provisions of the Newbury Zoning By-Law.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 117, Subdivision of Land.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 97, Zoning.
If any provision of these Rules and Regulations be held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these provisions shall not be affected thereby.