Reference: § 320-214B(2)(g); Table 320-507-1. (Table 320-507-1 is included in § 320-507.)
The purpose of this article is to enhance the appearance of Greenville by improving the quality of landscaping, buffering and screening at commercial and industrial properties. Criteria and standards are provided to ensure building sites and off-street parking areas are sufficiently landscaped to protect and preserve the appearance, character, and value of surrounding properties and public rights-of-way, thereby promoting the general welfare, safety and aesthetic quality of Greenville.
The provisions of this article shall apply to developments allowed as a permitted use, requiring site plan approval or a special exception use in the OS, NC, GC, INST, IND, AD (where permitted by the Federal Aviation Administration) and R3 Districts and any developments allowed as a special exception considered a commercial/industrial/business use in the AGD-FP, AGD, RR, R1, R2, and R4 Districts. Landscaping shall also be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and 2020 Sub Area Plan.
Any development occurring on vacant land shall be in full compliance with the provisions of this article.
Existing occupied developments that do not conform to the provisions of this article may be continued until such time as a site plan is required by this chapter. Where a building, parking or other site improvement is proposed, landscaping requirements in this article shall apply to those areas on the property; if the remaining areas of the property not proposed for improvements are nonconforming, they may continue as legal nonconforming, but it is recommended they be brought into conformance as much as possible. Flexibility on relief shall be allowed on a case-by-case basis, as approved by the Planning Commission, as the standards set in this article may not be able to be applied due to existing physical or environmental constraints. It is the intent to meet the standards in this article where practical.
A landscape plan is required in conjunction with § 320-214, Site plans, of this chapter and must be approved before installation of improvements, issuance of an erosion control/stormwater permit and issuance of a building permit.
Landscape plans submitted for review shall be drawn to an appropriate scale and shall include at a minimum the following information:
The name and address of the owner/developer and name of the landscape architect/designer.
Date of plan preparation, date and description of all plan revisions, name of project or development, scale of plan, and North marker.
The location of all lot lines, locations of all existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way, and elevation, topography, and cross-section details as determined necessary by Greenville.
The location of all existing and proposed structures, parking and loading areas, parking spaces (numbered), driveways, sidewalks, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, fences, freestanding electrical and other utility equipment, easements, and other site improvement features as determined necessary by Greenville.
The location and contours at one-foot intervals of all proposed berms.
The location, caliper size, and species (common and botanical name) of all existing plant material on the site and designation of intended treatment (save, relocate, remove).
The location, caliper size at planting and species (common and botanical name) of all proposed plant materials, and location and description of all ground cover and turf grasses.
A schedule of all new plants proposed for planting, and existing plants to be preserved, including size (caliper, height, container size, etc.), condition (bare-root, balled-and-burlapped, container-grown, or preexisting), planned installation date, and common and botanical names (genus, species, and variety).
A schedule itemizing the total square foot area of all green space proposed on the lot, the total square foot area of off-street parking, the number of off-street parking spaces, the number and square foot area of each interior island and peninsula.
Landscaping required under this article shall be of the following types as specified below (reference: Diagram 320-635-1):
Lot line and street tree landscaping. A minimum twenty-foot front strip extending along the lot adjacent to all road rights-of-way, plus a minimum ten-foot strip along all other lot lines, shall be landscaped as described below.
Lot line landscape strips shall be planted with a minimum of one shade tree at fifty-foot centers ("shade trees" shall be defined as any tree with a mature height of 30 feet or greater), excluding driveway openings and vision triangles.
Street trees. In addition to lot-line landscaping, street trees shall be planted within the right-of-way along curbed public and private streets, including parking lot connections, circulation drives, and loading areas; and shall be located six feet to seven feet behind the curb (except as determined unfeasible by Greenville or if prohibited by County or State Departments of Transportation).
Where it is deemed appropriate or desirable to construct a berm in the lot line landscape strip in order to restrict view and/or to absorb noise, Greenville may require this option for a landscape plan. The slope of the berm shall be minimally planted with a variety of conifer species spaced 20 feet on center.
Mulch or other acceptable organic material shall be placed around the base of all plant material and maintained on a regular basis; rock, stone, gravel and similar materials shall be prohibited.
Foundation plantings. Landscaping is required for all building foundations in order to provide visual breaks in the mass of the building.
Such foundation landscaping shall be placed along 30% of the building's total perimeter, predominately near and along customer facades and entrances facing public streets.
One ornamental tree ("ornamental" shall be defined as any tree having a mature height less than 30 feet), and a variety of five shrubs/annuals/perennials/ground cover or a combination thereof shall be planted for every 25 linear feet of building foundation planter area.
Mulch or other acceptable organic material shall be placed around the base of all plant material and maintained on a regular basis; rock, stone, gravel and similar materials shall be prohibited.
Curbed planting islands or peninsulas shall be provided in off-street parking areas, as described below.
Parking spaces must be separated by a planting island or peninsula at the rate of one island/peninsula for each row of 12 consecutive parking spaces for single-row configurations, or for each 24 consecutive parking spaces in double-row configurations.
Each island or peninsula shall be at least 360 square feet in area for single-row configurations and 720 square feet in area for double-row configurations.
One shade tree shall be planted in each island or peninsula for single-row configurations, and two shade trees shall be planted in each island or peninsula for double-row configurations.
Islands and peninsulas shall be placed at the ends of parking rows or along designated pedestrian circulation areas.
Planted boulevards within interior off-street parking areas may be considered as an alternative to islands and peninsulas and shall be a minimum of eight feet wide and shall relocate the required shade trees from the islands/peninsulas to the boulevard.
Parking spaces along the perimeter of the off-street parking areas may plant the required tree on the backside of the parking space every 12 spaces instead of installing an island or peninsula.
Mulch or other acceptable organic material shall be placed around the base of all plant material and maintained on a regular basis; rock, stone, gravel and similar materials shall be prohibited.
Buffer yard landscaping. Any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential use adjacent to a residential use or zoning district shall provide a landscaped buffer yard along the full length of the affected side to afford protection to the residential uses from the glare of lights, from visual encroachment, and from the transmission of noise. Required buffer yards shall be landscaped as described below. Combinations of trees, shrubs, berms, and fences shall create screening, which is at least 50% impervious at planting to sight.
Buffer yards required for commercial/nonresidential uses zoned NC, GC, INST, AD, and R3 shall be a minimum 10 feet wide and shall be planted with a variety of conifer species spaced 20 feet on center and a minimum of one shade tree at fifty-foot centers. ("Shade trees" shall be defined as any tree with a mature height of 30 feet or greater.)
Buffer yards required for industrial/nonresidential uses zoned IND shall be a minimum 25 feet wide and shall be planted with a double row of a variety of conifer species spaced 20 feet on center and a minimum of one shade tree at fifty-foot centers. ("Shade trees" shall be defined as any tree with a mature height of 30 feet or greater.)
Buffer yards required for commercial/industrial/nonresidential uses zoned AGD-FP, AGD, OS, RR, R1, R2, and R4 shall be a minimum 10 feet wide and shall be planted with a variety of conifer species spaced 20 feet on center and a minimum of one shade tree at fifty-foot centers. ("Shade trees" shall be defined as any tree with a mature height of 30 feet or greater.)
As an alternative to these buffer yard landscaping requirements, a six-foot-high sight-tight fence may be constructed near the lot line, except chain-link fences with or without privacy slats shall be prohibited, with the remainder of the required buffer yard planted with a minimum of one shade tree at fifty-foot centers. ("Shade trees" shall be defined as any tree with a mature height of 30 feet or greater.) The required trees shall be located between the lot line and the fence.
The required buffer yard shall be a green space where no portion of a building, parking, and driving, loading, or storage area may be located.
Mulch or other acceptable organic material shall be placed around the base of all plant material and maintained on a regular basis; rock, stone, gravel and similar materials shall be prohibited.
Screening requirements. The intent of these requirements is to provide a visual screen around service equipment, outdoor storage, shipping and receiving docks, and trash collections areas contained within commercial, industrial, and nonresidential properties. Reference: § 320-504FF(2)(b).
At the time of installation or planting, screening materials of a variety of conifer plantings must be at least 50% impervious at planting to sight and be sufficiently high and long to accomplish the desired blockage of view year round. These plantings shall be located adjacent to the area being screened.
As an alternative to the landscaping requirements, a six-foot-high sight-tight fence may be constructed near the lot line (chain-link fences with or without privacy slats shall be prohibited.), with the remainder of the required strip planted with a minimum of one shade tree at fifty-foot centers. ("Shade trees" shall be defined as any tree with a mature height of 30 feet or greater.) The required strip shall be a green space where no portion of a building, parking, and driving, loading, or storage area may be located.
Trash collection areas. All exterior storage in refuse disposal areas, trash collection dumpsters, and trash pads on commercial, industrial, and nonresidential properties shall be located and oriented to be as inconspicuous as possible. They shall be screened from view to all adjacent properties; all adjacent road rights-of-way; and, if located within commercial developments, from view to on-site entrance drives and parking areas. Screening materials may consist of the following:
A six-foot-high sight-tight fence or wall; chain-link fences with or without privacy slats shall be prohibited; or
An evergreen screen sufficient to provide 100% screening at the time of planting.
Berms. Berms are allowed and encouraged when combined with landscaping; See § 320-508A for requirements.
Mulch or other acceptable organic material shall be placed around the base of all plant material and maintained on a regular basis; rock, stone, gravel and similar materials shall be prohibited.
Easements. Landscaping/fences/walls are not allowed within easements. If an easement exists or is required and screening is required where the easement is, screening shall still be required but shall be designed/located to comply with the regulations outside of the easement. Landscaping/fences/walls may be allowed within easements on a case-by-case basis as long as they will not conflict with the purpose of the easement.
Diagram 320-635-1
Landscape Plan
Reference: § 320-635.
320 Diag 320-635-1 Landscape Plan.tif
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Plant materials provided in conformance with the requirements of this article shall be equal to or better in quality than the standards of the AmericanHort. The minimum sizes of plant materials that shall satisfy the requirements of this article are as follows:
Shade tree: two-and-one-half-inch caliper at time of planting.
Ornamental tree: one-and-one-half-inch caliper at time of planting.
Evergreen tree: five feet height at time of planting.
Shrub: 18 inches to 24 inches in height or spread at the time of planting.
To meet unique site design conditions or to overcome obstructions, conflicts, or other factors, the following planting substitutions may be approved as described below.
Two ornamental trees may be substituted in place of one shade tree.
Two evergreen trees may be substituted in place of one shade tree.
One evergreen tree may be substituted in place of five shrubs.
One shade tree may be substituted in place of 10 shrubs.
While plant materials should generally be distributed proportionately on the lot in accordance with the standards of this article, alterations and variations in the planting pattern may be approved, on a case-by-case basis, to maximize the effectiveness of the installed landscaping.
Flexibility on relief may be provided in meeting the landscape standards in cases where quantity and location of planting material would be difficult to install due to site/environmental or life/safety reasons, including restrictions within vision triangles, or unique land uses being proposed for development. In these cases, required plant material shall be relocated elsewhere on the site. The Planning Commission shall review and may approve a reduction in plant quantity due to the circumstances listed above if there is not room on-site to relocate the required plant material. If a reduction is approved, the Planning Commission shall require a fee in lieu, based on the market rate of the plant material being reduced, to be used for landscaping within the public right-of-way or on public property.
See § 320-214D for requirements.
The owner of the lot on which landscaping has been provided shall be responsible for protecting and maintaining all plant materials and landscape areas as approved on the landscape plan in a healthy and growing condition and shall be responsible for keeping them free from refuse, debris, and weeds. Dead or diseased plant materials shall be replaced during the next appropriate planting period.
Owners of lots within an Airport Overlay Zone should be aware of height restrictions set by Outagamie County when planting trees.