Cross References — Possession, sale, etc., of alcoholic beverages in public places restricted, §600.090(G); livestock running at large prohibited, §205.150; dogs and cats running at large prohibited, §205.080; buildings and building regulations, ch. 500; floodplain management, ch. 420; street systems and parking facilities for mobile home and travel trailer parks, §425.200; standards for street construction and design for streets in mobile home and travel trailer parks, §425.210; littering, §210.170; parks and recreation, ch. 235; planning, ch. 400; subdivision regulations, ch. 415; traffic and motor vehicles generally, Title III; placing injurious substances in streets prohibited, §215.010(6); driving vehicles on sidewalks prohibited, §340.060; riding bicycles or motorized bicycles on sidewalks, §340.100; trains not to block streets, §340.140; zoning, ch. 405; ordinances naming, renaming, opening, accepting or vacating streets or alleys in the City saved from repeal.