[1997 Code § 224-89]
Intent. The purpose of the I/PI Industrial/Planned Industrial Area is to encourage the concentration of light industrial uses, together with administrative offices, warehousing and support services, in an area directly accessible to the primary industrial area of Atlantic County. It is the intent of this article to encourage these concentrations while protecting the natural resources of the adjacent Absecon Creek corridor and recognizing the environmental constraints on light industrial development within the district. Controls and design standards for this district have been constructed to encourage innovative project planning and construction while recognizing the need for more efficient use of existing land resources.
Regulations in District. The use, height and area regulations of Sections 224-92 through 224-96, inclusive, and those regulations set forth elsewhere in this chapter, where applicable to these sections, and general regulations in Article XVIII are the regulations in the I/PI District.
[1997 Code § 224-90]
Principal uses and buildings shall be as follows:
Administrative offices.
Fully enclosed warehouses.
Light manufacturing facilities for such uses as beverages, pharmaceuticals, printing and publishing, confections, clothing, electrical goods, furniture, recyclable material processing and reclamation, specialty manufacturing, professional and scientific instruments and electronics.
Fully enclosed wholesale trade establishments.
A combination of the above uses within a planned industrial area.
Accessory uses and buildings. Accessory uses and buildings shall be only those customarily incidental to the permitted principal uses. They shall be understood to include:
Fully enclosed storage in conjunction with a permitted use.
Cafeteria and recreational facilities for employee use.
Appropriate facilities for placement of trash and garbage. Such facilities shall be designed so that:
They are completely enclosed and contents are not visible.
They fit within the overall project design.
They are buffered from both principal structures, parking facilities and pedestrian and vehicular roadways.
They meet the approval of the City Construction Official and the Board of Health.
Provision shall be made for recycling conforming to local and State regulations.
Parking lots and facilities intended exclusively for the use of employees and operations of the principal uses permitted.
Outdoor storage areas for materials associated with the principal use, in rear and side yards, fully buffered or screened from the street and secured from unauthorized access.
[1997 Code § 224-91]
Minimum lot size.
Single use: one acre.
Planned industrial area: 15 acres.
Lot coverage, all uses: 65%, with a minimum of 15% left as natural open space or landscaping. Outdoor storage areas shall not exceed 25% of the total lot area.
Minimum lot setbacks.
Single use: building front 40 feet, rear yard 30 feet and 60 feet total of both side yards, with a minimum of 25 feet on one side. This twenty-five-foot setback shall not access and landscape buffers.
Planned industrial area: perimeter landscape buffer of 50 feet along streets and circulation drives and 25 feet along other property lines.
Building length. Building length may vary subject to Planning Board site plan approval, but in no case shall a building extend more than 150 feet without a variation in external setback or other sufficient architectural or planning design features.
Freshwater wetlands transition areas. Transition areas, internal setbacks or buffers shall be required from all lands delineated as freshwater wetlands as defined by the Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act, N.J.S.A. 13:9B-1 et seq. The dimension or depth of these transition areas shall conform to the requirements set forth by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Distance between buildings: 35 feet minimum end wall to end wall. Other distances shall be subject to Planning Board review.
[1997 Code § 224-92]
All uses, principal and accessory, within this district are subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Planned industrial area proposals.
All planned industrial area proposals within this district shall be required to submit an impact statement as part of the site plan review process. The statement shall include information called for in Article XVIII, Article XX, § 224-120R and additionally for all uses, planned industrial area or single use, shall include the following:
A general lighting and graphics program.
Fire protection, police and other security systems.
A circulation and off-street parking plan.
A stormwater management plan.
A sanitary sewage and potable water plan.
A solid waste recycling and liquid waste management and disposal plan, including provisions for all waste resulting from on-site uses.
A landscaping and reservation plan, including existing natural features.
Soil borings and verification of soil types, vegetation and depth to seasonal groundwater.
Planned industrial area proposals shall include:
An open space plan and maintenance program.
An off-tract traffic survey showing the impact of the proposed facility on existing roadways.
An energy conservation program for both construction and operation.
A phasing plan which includes estimates on total employees and other impacts listed above by phase.
Planning Board preliminary approval shall not be granted until the Board is satisfied that all of the provisions called for above are adequate to meet expected need.
A perimeter of 15 feet adjoining each building shall remain clear, except for plantings and pedestrian walkways, to permit access of emergency vehicles.
Minimum roadway widths for ingress and egress lanes shall be:
One-way: 18 feet.
Two-way: 30 feet. (See all circulation requirements of Section 224-93.)
All uses within this district shall be free from offensive noise, vibration, smoke, odors, glare, hazards of fire or other objectionable effects detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the community.
Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this article, storage of combustible materials for other than on-site use and/or refining of combustible materials shall not be considered a permitted use within this district.
[1997 Code § 224-93]
General design and parking requirements shall conform to Article XX, Section 224-128 of this chapter.
Parking areas shall have natural vegetation to the maximum extent practicable adjacent to the perimeter and include supplemental plantings and shade trees where necessary to create and maintain buffer areas in the front yard of sufficient density to shield the view of the parking area from the street.
All parking areas shall have a landscaped perimeter buffer of at least eight feet in width consisting of existing natural or planted vegetation.
In planned industrial areas the following requirements shall also apply:
Service roadways shall be provided for commercial vehicles which are separate from general access roadways to avoid conflict with employee and visitor parking.
The traffic plan submitted with the impact statement (Section 224-92) shall clearly delineate and define traffic circulation. All existing and proposed roadways shall be shown. The Planning Board shall determine which roadways shall be public and which shall remain private.
[1997 Code § 224-94]
All permitted uses within this district shall submit a landscaping plan as a part of the site plan application. Such plan shall be designed to preserve existing natural resources and shall follow the following principles:
Landscaping shall be located to provide for climate control.
Landscaping materials shall be utilized primarily in the front yard area to accent architectural treatments and the building facade.
Natural vegetation shall be retained to the maximum extent practicable, with emphasis on front yards and parking area perimeters.
All areas not covered by buildings, roadways, parking areas and pedestrian walkways shall retain existing trees or be landscaped with natural materials.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided according to the following principles:
Site perimeter buffers (minimum lot setbacks) shall consist of natural vegetation and/or in combination with new plants, trees, evergreens and deciduous materials.
Solid waste collection areas and outdoor storage areas shall be buffered by a minimum ten-foot wide landscaped buffer, unless it can be demonstrated that buffering can be accomplished through a combination of decorative fencing and retention of natural vegetation.
Landscaped buffers may make use of berms and mounds.
Landscaping shall conform to Article XX, Section 224-129 of this chapter.
[1997 Code § 224-95]
Lighting shall conform to the general design standards in Article XX, Section 224-130 of this chapter.
Lighting in planned industrial areas shall be additionally designed to:
Blend with the architectural style of buildings.
Provide for safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles and shall include low or mushroom-type standards along pedestrian walkways.
[1997 Code § 224-96]
Security fences shall be permitted within this district, provided that they are screened from view by landscape buffers. Maximum height shall be six feet.