[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Lower Southampton Township is hereby divided into zoning districts of different types, each type being of such number, shape, kind and area, and of such common unity or purpose and adaptability of use that are deemed most suitable to carry out the objectives of this chapter.
Every parcel of land and every building or other structure in the Township, except as otherwise provided by law or by this chapter, shall be subject to the regulations, restrictions and requirements specified for the district in which it is located.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
For the purpose of this chapter, Lower Southampton Township is hereby divided into the following districts, which shall be designated as follows:
Residential-1 District
Residential-2 District
Residential-3 District
Residential-4 District
Commercial-1 District
Commercial-2 District
Industrial District
Business Technology District
Municipal District
Town Center District
Overlay Districts:
Floodplain Conservation Overlay
Off-Premises Advertising Sign Overlay
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Districts are bounded and defined as shown on the map entitled "Zoning Map of Lower Southampton Township" that accompanies and which, with all explanatory matters thereon, is hereby made a part of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is on file in the Township office.
[Ord. 558, 9/4/2012]
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries between districts as indicated on the Zoning Map, the following rule shall apply:
Where district boundaries are indicated as coinciding with streets, the district boundary line shall be considered the same as the property line or right-of-way line on the side of the street on which the property to be buffered is located.
Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately coincide with lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be said boundaries.
Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to street or railroad rights-of-way, such district boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Map.
Where district boundaries divide a lot, the location of such boundaries shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the Zoning Map unless the boundaries are indicated by dimensions.