If the town of Windsor should grow to such an extent that it becomes unwieldy and cumbersome to require action by a town meeting, not less than 10% of the electors of the town, as determined from the latest officials lists of the registrars of voters may petition over their personal signatures for a special town meeting to vote upon the question of submitting to a referendum vote on the voting machines at a general or special town election the proposition of abolishing the town meeting. The council shall call such a special town meeting to be held within 30 days from the date of the filing of such petition with the town clerk. If a majority of the electors voting at such special town meeting shall vote to submit to a referendum the question of abolishing the town meeting in the town of Windsor, the proper election officials of the town shall take such steps as may be necessary to place such question upon the voting machines at the next general election or at a special election called for that purpose as such special town meeting shall determine. If at such general election or special election a majority of the electors of the town voting on the question shall vote for the abolition of the town meeting of the town of Windsor, the powers heretofore vested in the town meeting shall be conferred upon and exercised by the town council.