[Adopted as Ch. VIII of the 1973 Bylaws]
The Town Clerk shall have the custody of the Town Seal. (1937: c. VII, s. 1)
The Town Clerk shall keep a copy, in a book to be kept for that purpose alone, of all deeds and other instruments executed by the Select Board in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws. (1937: c. VII, s. 2)
The Town Clerk shall keep a book of records for the sole purpose of recording the locations of all highways and Town ways within the Town, with an index thereto. (1937: c. VII, s. 3)
The Town Clerk shall immediately notify in writing all committees that may be elected or appointed at any Town Meeting, specifying the nature of the business on which they are expected to act. The notice shall contain a copy of the vote creating the committee and the names of the members of the committee. (1937, c. IV, s. 2, amended 1973)
The Town Clerk shall notify the Town Manager, the chairpersons of committees, and other Town officers of votes of the Town which pertain to their respective areas of responsibility. (1937: c. VII, s. 5, amended 1973)
The Town Clerk shall see that every conveyance to the Town of any interest in land, except as otherwise provided by law, is duly recorded in the proper registry therefor, and he/she shall have the custody of all such recorded instruments, after the same are returned from the registry. (1937: c. VII, s. 6, amended 1973)
The Town Clerk shall promptly, after each session of a Town Meeting, furnish to the Town Manager, to the Board of Assessors, and to the Town Accountant a statement of all moneys appropriated by the Town at the session and the purpose for which such moneys were respectively appropriated. (1937: c. VII, s. 7, amended 1973)
In those circumstances where applicable state law or these bylaws may require the use of written ballots at any Town Meeting, or at any adjourned session thereof, the Town Clerk, pursuant to direction of the Moderator, shall provide appropriate ballot forms, in sufficient number, for the use of voters. (1937: c. VII, s. 9, amended 1973)
[1937: c. VII, s. 10; amended 1973]
The Town Clerk shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all official documents of whatsoever nature belonging to the Town. The Town Clerk shall not permit any such documents or records to be taken from his/her custody, except in such manner as may be prescribed by law or as may be prescribed by rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this section.
The Select Board may, in its discretion, make detailed rules and regulations appropriate to implement the policy of this section.
The Town Clerk shall require, for every such official document which he/she shall release from his/her custody, an adequate receipt in sufficient detail to identify the document released, the date and time of release, and the person or officer to whom it was released.