[Ord. 560, 6/11/1996, Art. V, § 1; as amended by Ord. 568, 11/10/1997; and by Ord. 631, 3/13/2007, § 1]
Establishment of District Classifications. The Borough is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
Single Family Residential District
Traditional Single-Family District
Multi-family District
General Business District
Riverfront Redevelopment District
Waterfront Development District
Zoning District Map and Boundaries.
Boundaries Established. The boundaries of the various zoning districts are hereby established on the map entitled "Official Zoning Map" on file in the office of the Borough Secretary. The Zoning Map with all explanatory matter thereon is hereby made part of this chapter. The map shall be dated and shall carry the Borough seal and the signature of the president of Council and the Borough Secretary certifying that it is the true map adopted by Council. A record of all amendments to the map shall be kept on file in the Borough Secretary's office. All such amendments shall be identified on the map and similarly certified. The boundaries between districts are, unless otherwise specifically indicated, either the center line of street rights-of-way or such other lines extended, or parallel lines thereto, or property lines or other physical boundaries or features. Where streets, property lines, or other physical boundaries or features are not applicable, boundaries shall be determined using the scale shown on the map.
Interpretation. Where physical boundaries or features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the Official Zoning Map or, in other circumstances not specifically covered above, the Zoning Hearing Board shall interpret the district boundaries.
Future Street Vacation. In the event that a thoroughfare shown on the Official Zoning Map is vacated, the property formerly in said right-of-way shall be included within the zoning district of the adjoining property on either side of said vacated right-of-way. Where said thoroughfare forms a district boundary, the new boundary shall be the new property line created by the former center line of the vacated thoroughfare.
[Ord. 560, 6/11/1996, Art. V, § 2]
The following listing of permitted temporary uses shall be subject to the specific regulations and time limits as indicated, in addition to the regulations and procedures outlined for "temporary uses" under § 27-1126 of this chapter:
Temporary Real Estate Sales Offices. Any such use shall contain no living accommodations, shall require the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (use), and may be permitted for any new subdivision which is 10 acres or more in area for a period not to exceed 12 consecutive calendar months; except that, in addition, not more than two extensions for periods of up to six months each in length may be granted, if in the judgment of the Zoning Officer conditions warrant the extension.
Temporary Buildings, Offices, Equipment and Storage Facilities. Any such use which may be required in conjunction with an approved construction activity or project shall require the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (use) and may be permitted for a period not to exceed 12 consecutive calendar months; except that an unlimited number of six-month extensions may be granted where in the judgment of the Zoning Officer construction is substantially underway and progress is being made.
Temporary Sales and Services. Any such use shall be limited to the sale of flowers, plans, arts and crafts, farm produce, or similar perishable items, shall require the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (use), and may be permitted for any private for-profit or non-profit individual or organization. Any application for such a certificate shall be accompanied by a valid vender's license if the proposed use is for-profit and a written statement from the property owner granting permission or the proposed use. Any such certificate:
Shall be valid for a period not to exceed four consecutive calendar days.
May only be issued up to three separate times within any 12 consecutive calendar month period to:
Any individual or organization for use anywhere in the Borough.
For any particular zoning lot regardless of whether or not the lot would be used for the same proposed temporary use.
May only be issued where the proposed use encroaches upon not more than 25% of any required off-street parking area.
Garage sales, yard sales and similar activities may be permitted in any specified residential district(s) only.
Any individual or family may:
Conduct not more than two such sales within any 12 consecutive calendar month period.
Conduct any such sale only upon the property upon which he resides.
Conduct any such sale for a period not to exceed three consecutive days, and then only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
As long as the provisions of this chapter pertaining to such a sale, signage, and off-street parking are met, a certificate of occupancy (use) shall not be required.
Where more than one residence participates in any such sale at one location, the activity shall be considered a "group sale" and, as such, shall require the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (use).