The purpose of the South Main Village Design District (SMVDD) is to establish an overlay zone that identifies the district and provides regulations and design guidelines that will serve to protect the distinctive character, landscape and historic structures within the South Main Street corridor.
The intent of the SMVDD is to help guide development along South Main Street in ways that will:
Protect the distinctive character, landscape and historic structures within the district;
Be appropriate to the location and scale of any particular site;
Maintain and enhance the unique character of South Main Street, including the residential and natural characteristics;
Encourage the conservation and preservation of architecturally significant or historic buildings in a manner that maintains the distinctive character of the district;
Provide for compatible economic development;
Manage the amount of traffic that will be generated;
Control traffic access by limiting the number, size and location of driveways onto South Main Street; and
Promote the sharing of parking and other amenities.
To help accomplish the above purpose and intent, the SMVDD is hereby:
Designated as a Village District as authorized by C.G.S. § 8-2j.
Recognized as a designated design district adopted by the Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission so that development within the district will be reviewed by the Design Advisory Board as provided pursuant to Newtown Town Ordinances.
All principal and accessory uses allowed in the underlying zones are permitted provided that a site development plan or special exception approval has been granted, if required. Uses that are not listed shall not be permitted by variance.
Except for a single-family dwelling and uses and structures accessory thereto, new construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of buildings or signs located within the SMVDD that are in view from public roadways shall obtain a report and recommendation from the Design Advisory Board.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to work with the Design Advisory Board prior to submitting a formal application to the Staff or Commission as applicable.
In accordance with C.G.S. § 8-2j(d):
The Design Advisory Board shall be the designated Village District consultant,
The Design Advisory Board shall review an application and report to the Staff or Commission, as applicable within 35 days of receipt of an application by the Board,
And failure of the Design Advisory Board to report within the 35 days' period shall not alter or delay any other time limit imposed by the Regulations.
The Commission may seek the recommendations of any town or regional agency or outside specialist with which it wishes to consult.
Any reports or recommendations from such agencies or organizations shall be entered into the public hearing record and considered by the Commission in making its decision.
To help accomplish the purposes of this section, the exterior of structures shall, to the extent reasonable and practicable, be designed to be consistent with the intent to maintain and enhance a "New England" character in the corridor for areas visible from public roadways.
To help accomplish the purposes of this section, the following criteria shall be met:
Proposed buildings or modifications to existing buildings shall be harmoniously related to their surroundings, and the terrain in the district and to the use, scale and architecture of existing buildings in the district that have a functional or visual relationship to a proposed building or modification,
Proposed buildings and site improvements shall reinforce existing buildings and streetscape patterns and the placement of buildings and included site improvements shall ensure there is no adverse visual impact on the district;
The scale, proportions, massing and detailing of any proposed building shall be in proportion to the scale, proportion, massing and detailing in the district.
All spaces, structures and related site improvements visible from public roadways shall be designed to be compatible with the elements of the area of the Village District in and around the proposed building or modification,
The color, size, height, location, proportion of openings, roof treatments, building materials and landscaping of commercial or residential property shall support the "New England" character of the corridor and be compatible with their surroundings;
The removal or disruption of historic tradition or significant structures or architectural elements shall be minimized.
All development in the district shall be designed to achieve the following compatibility objectives:
The building and layout of buildings and included site improvements shall reinforce existing buildings and streetscape patterns and the placement of buildings and included site improvements shall ensure there is no adverse impact on the district;
Proposed streets shall be connected to the existing district road network, wherever possible;
Open spaces within the proposed development shall reinforce open space patterns of the district, in form and siting;
Locally significant features of the site such as distinctive buildings, historic buildings, historic factors or sight lines of vistas from within the district, shall be integrated into the site design;
The landscape design shall complement the district's landscape patterns;
The exterior signs, site lighting and accessory structures shall support a uniform architectural theme if such a theme exists and be compatible with their surroundings; and
The scale, proportions, massing and detailing of any proposed building shall be in proportion to the scale, proportion, massing and detailing in the district.
The existing residential and related outbuildings, especially those of historical and/or architectural significance, with their landscaped front lawn areas and large trees lining the roadway contribute to the unique landscape and overall character of South Main Street. Most of the existing residential dwellings and outbuildings are modest in scale, are typical of past residential development patterns in Newtown and combine well with the intermittent commercial and industrial properties, open fields and forested areas found along the roadway. The adaptive reuse of existing residential structures is intended to help the preservation, restoration and maintenance of said structures provided the nature and conduct of such adaptive use shall:
Enhance and preserve the exterior integrity of the structures;
Enhance and preserve the aesthetic appearance of the remainder of the property; and
Maintain the general character of the neighborhood.
In addition to the uses already permitted by special exception in the underlying residential zones, the following principal uses are permitted within the Residential and Farming Zones located within the SMVDD Overlay Zone subject to obtaining a special exception approval from the Commission in accordance with the standards, criteria, conditions and procedures set forth in Article XI hereof and the additional requirements set forth herein:
Any principal use permitted in the Business and Professional Office (BPO) Zone provided the following parameters can or will be met. Adaptive reuse of existing residential buildings shall be permitted if they will:
Result in a residential use appearance that fits into the context of the immediate area surrounding the property;
Maintain or lower existing traffic levels present upon the site, or
Complement the unique character of South Main Street.
In conjunction with business or professional uses, residential apartments may be allowed on upper floors within the principal building subject to the capacity of the infrastructure to support residential density of one dwelling unit per one-half acre (21,780 square feet) of site area.
Any new construction upon a site shall respect the height, bulk, scale and style of architecture that exists and materials used shall be of a similar color, scale, texture and style as that which exists.
Site elements of noteworthy or historical value such as stone walls, outstanding vegetation and other similar site features shall be protected from damage, removal or significant alteration.
Site improvements shall be so designed in space allocation, orientation, texture, materials, landscaping and other features to produce an environment of stable and desirable character, complementing the design and values of the surrounding neighborhood, Plantings and other site elements (such as lighting, paving, site furnishings, signage and parking) shall be located and designed to enhance the "New England" character of the existing structure(s) and surrounding property.
The purpose of this section is to provide provisions that will permit flexibility in land use development within the SMVDD where significant parcels are to be developed or redeveloped as a planned development containing integrated and harmonious elements, and where the overall design of such elements is so outstanding as to warrant modification of the standards contained elsewhere in these regulations.
The intent of this section is to provide a unique opportunity for and guidance in design of development parcels which are likely to have a significant impact upon the South Main Street corridor. To apply for an SDD, please see Article VI, Section 6.