Municipal elections shall take place on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in odd-numbered years and in accordance with the Statutes.
Special Town elections may be called and held in accordance with the Statutes.
The Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace shall take office on the first Monday of January following their election.
Registrars of Voters and the Judge of Probate shall take office on the first Wednesday of January following their election.
District 17 Regional Board of Education officials shall take office on the first day of December following their election.
All Town Officials other than those identified in Charter § 4-1(c), (d) and (e), shall take office on the second Tuesday following their election.
Only electors of the Town of Killingworth shall be eligible for election to any Town Office, and any person ceasing to be an elector of the Town shall cease to hold elective office in the Town and the office shall be deemed vacant.
No person shall hold two elected positions in the Government of Killingworth simultaneously, including the Board of Education.
No person shall run for more than one elected position in the Government of Killingworth in the same election cycle.
All elective Officers shall be sworn within 30 days of election and before taking office or their office will be deemed vacant. The Officer administering the oath shall record such fact in the Town Clerk's Office.
Membership on all elective Boards of the Town shall be determined in accordance with minority representation laws as set forth in CGS § 9-167a.
Total Membership
Maximum from One Party
More than 9
Two thirds of total membership
Minority representation requirements shall not apply to members of the District 17 Regional Board of Education (CGS § 9-167a).
Any elected Officer other than the Town Clerk wishing to resign from office, including officials elected to the Regional Board of Education, shall submit a written resignation to the Town Clerk. Should the Town Clerk wish to resign, the written resignation shall be submitted to the Board of Selectmen. Such resignations shall become effective on the date submitted unless another date is specified therein. (CGS § 7-103)
Vacancies created by the demise of a Board member, or by a Board member's failure to be sworn or ceasing to be an elector, shall be reported by the chair or, in the chair's absence, the secretary of that Board, to the Town Clerk before the first meeting of the Board of Selectmen following creation of the vacancy.
The Town Clerk, upon receiving a resignation or notice of a vacancy, shall forthwith notify the Board of Selectmen, the chairs of the Town Political Party Committees, and shall at the same time publish an announcement in such a way as to bring the resignation or vacancy to the attention of the Town, in accordance with the Statutes. This announcement shall also identify the appointing authority.
A vacancy occurring on the Board of Finance or the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be filled, until the expiration of the term, by a vote of the remaining members. A Special Meeting, with at least 24 hours' notice, shall be called for this purpose, and the vote shall be taken in public (CGS § 1-225). However, if a vacancy is not filled within 45 days from the time that the office becomes vacant, the Board of Selectmen shall fill the vacancy by appointment within 30 days thereafter.
Vacancies other than the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Finance shall be filled by Board of Selectmen appointment within 45 days from the time the office becomes vacant. The Town Political Party Committee representing the party of the vacated official shall have 30 days in which to propose an appointee to the Board of Selectmen.
When the person vacating the office had been elected as a member of a political party, such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of a member of the same political party, if at all possible. In all cases, appointments must be made in compliance with minority representation and in accordance with the Statutes. A vacancy shall not be considered filled until the person appointed to fill that vacancy has been sworn into office and the swearing has been recorded in the manner prescribed in Charter § 4-2(d).
Vacancies on the Board of Selectmen shall be filled in the manner prescribed by CGS § 9-222.
An appointee to a vacancy in elective office shall serve until the expiration of the term.
Copies of all minutes taken by each Board shall be filed with the Town Clerk and with the First Selectman within seven days of the date on which such actions are taken and shall include the roll call vote of those present, a description of the various items of business discussed or transacted, a reference to all correspondence received, and the recorded vote of each member thereof on all issues.
The vote of each member upon any issue before a Board shall be reduced to writing and made available for public inspection at the Town Clerk's Office within 48 hours (CGS § 1-225).
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, all Boards authorized in Charter Article IV shall meet within 30 days of taking office, shall elect a chair and a secretary, and may define rules of procedure for the conduct of their meetings and the execution of their duties. Such rules and any amendments thereto shall be filed with the Town Clerk and shall be public record.
Each Board shall file with the Town Clerk, no later than January 31 of each year, the schedule of regular meetings for the ensuing year, and no such meetings will be held sooner than 30 days after such a schedule has been filed. Special Meetings shall require 24 hours' notice, except for emergencies (CGS § 1-225).
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the compensation of all such Boards shall be as recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance and shall be subject to the same budgeting procedure as is described in Charter Article IX. Officials serving without pay shall be reimbursed for just and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, subject to the limits of appropriations available for such purposes.
The First Selectman shall provide each person elected to a Board or Commission with a copy of the Ordinance or other source, including this Charter, which defines the duties of the office.
A Board of Selectmen, consisting of the First Selectman and two Selectmen, shall be elected for a term of two years at each municipal election.
No elector may be a candidate for both the position of First Selectman and that of Selectman. No more than two members of the Board of Selectmen may be members of the same political party.
At a municipal election there shall be elected a Tax Collector. The Tax Collector shall serve a term of four years and shall have powers and duties in accordance with the Statutes.
At each municipal election there shall be elected a Treasurer. The Treasurer shall exercise the functions of the Agent of Town Deposit Fund. The Treasurer shall serve a term of two years and shall have powers and duties in accordance with the Statutes.
The Town Clerk, elected at a municipal election, and the Registrars of Voters, elected at a state election, shall be elected for a term of four years.
The number of Justices of the Peace shall be 15, serving four-year terms and they shall be nominated and qualified to serve in accordance with the Statutes.
The Board of Finance shall consist of six members serving without compensation for four years each. Employees of the Town are not allowed to serve on the Board of Finance. The Board shall have powers and duties in accordance with CGS § 7-340 through CGS § 7-349 and Charter Article IX.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of six members, serving without compensation for four years each. There shall be three alternates, also serving without compensation for four years each. Employees of the Town are not allowed to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall have powers and duties in accordance with CGS § 124 and 126.
The functions and responsibilities of the Commission shall include the following:
preparation and adoption of a Plan of Conservation and Development,
designation of zoning districts in accordance with that Plan, and
preparation, adoption, and implementation of zoning and subdivision regulations in furtherance of the Plan of Conservation and Development and the long-term health and safety of the Town.
Within the limits of its appropriations, the Commission may, by vote of a majority of its members, engage such employees, including legal counsel, as are necessary for its work and may contract with professional consultants.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist of five members, serving without compensation for four years each. There shall be three alternates, also serving four years each. Employees of the Town are not allowed to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The functions and responsibilities of the Board include the following:
hearing and deciding appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, or decision made under CGS § 124;
hearing and deciding special exceptions as required by the specific terms of the zoning bylaws; and
determining and varying the application of zoning bylaws, Ordinances, or regulations solely with respect to a parcel of land for reasons of unusual hardship (CGS § 124).
The Board of Assessment Appeals shall consist of three members serving four years each.
The functions and responsibilities of this Board shall consist of the hearing of grievances regarding tax assessments and the making of adjustments to the Grand List.
The Board of Fire Commissioners shall consist of three members: two elected Commissioners, who may not be from the same political party, elected at each municipal election for a term of two years, and one Commissioner who will be the Senior Trustee duly elected by the Killingworth Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. (KVFC).
The Board of Fire Commissioners represents the Town in negotiations with the KVFC for protection of the Town from fire and for the provision of rescue and hazardous material services. In that capacity, the Board of Fire Commissioners
acts as an advisory Board to the KVFC;
submits to the Board of Selectmen an annual fire protection budget, including a capital budget;
disburses funds appropriated by the Town to the KVFC;
monitors expenditure of funds during the fiscal year; and
reports regularly to the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance on the fiscal condition of the KVFC.
The Board of Fire Commissioners shall appoint a Fire Marshal and such Deputy Fire Marshals as may be necessary in accordance with Charter § 8-2(d).
The Town shall elect five members to the District 17 Regional Board of Education, subject to such future adjustments as are necessary to insure balanced representation of member towns. Members elected to the Regional Board of Education shall serve four years each, and vacancies on the Board shall be filled by vote at a Town Meeting (CGS § 10-46), to serve until a successor is chosen and qualified at the next municipal election, at which time a successor shall be elected to serve any unexpired portions of that term.
Additional elective Boards may be established by Ordinance submitted to and approved by a Town Meeting. Such Ordinance shall specify the Board's powers and duties, number of members, terms of office, and method of filling vacancies.
No Board authorized in Charter § 4-10 through § 4-15 shall have more than a bare majority of terms of office expiring at the same election, except that the Board of Finance and the Planning and Zoning Commission shall have no more than half of the terms expiring at the same election.