The moving of any lot line shall require a special permit from the Planning Board. The applicant shall file the following with the Village Clerk to be forwarded to the Planning Board at least 14 days prior to the next regularly schedule Planning Board meeting:
An original survey and seven copies showing all property lines of all lots adjacent to the lot line to be moved, together with the presence of any obstructions or easements affecting such lots and any structures thereon, and clearly delineating the proposed lot-line adjustment, distances from the same, and the square footage of the lots to be created by the proposed adjustment. Said survey shall be in a form acceptable to the County of Saratoga for filing.
Seven copies of the proposed lot-line agreement in a form acceptable to the County of Saratoga for filing.
The names and addresses of all persons owning real property adjacent to any lots whose area will be affected by the proposed lot-line adjustment.
A publication and mailing fee as determined by the Village Clerk.
The Board, in consultation with the Village's Code Enforcement Officer, shall grant the special permit if it determines, after publication by the Village Clerk, a public hearing, and proof of service by the Village Clerk by regular U.S. mail of notice of the public hearing on all persons owning real property adjacent to any lots whose area will be affected by the proposed lot-line adjustment, that:
The lot-line adjustment will not create any nonconforming lot out of a lot previously conforming;
It does not impair the use of land of any third person;
It will not result in a material negative environmental condition or consequence;
It is not injurious to the public health, safety or welfare;
Funds sufficient to file the lot-line agreement, map of the same and associated documents have been paid into the escrow account of the attorney for either of the parties to the lot-line agreement; and
The attorney has provided a letter to the Village undertaking to file the same within 30 days of issuance of the special permit allowing the lot-line adjustment.
The special permit issued under this section shall expire 30 days from issuance, although the Planning Board Chairman (or in his absence the Vice Chairman) may grant one extension of up to 30 days.
The lot-line agreement, map and associated documents shall be filed with the Saratoga County Clerk within 30 days of issuance of the special permit allowing the lot-line adjustment.