The proposed subdivision shall involve no more than two parcels of property, shall not result in the creation of any new lot or increase the density level of permissible development or the potential therefor.
Any land being transferred by such a division to a property in order to increase the size of the same shall be deeded to the owner thereof in identical name such that the new area merges with the existing parcel and shares therewith a common identification number on the Suffolk County Tax Maps.
The proposed division shall be reviewed by the Town Planning Department, and said office shall have informed the Planning Board in writing that the division will have no significant environmental effect, will not make future planning of either of the affected parcels more difficult or impossible and poses no other immediate or potential problem which would justify more thorough review by this Board.
Where all the requirements of this section can be met, such a division may be authorized by the Planning Board by letter rather than requiring a formal resolution.
The allocation of open spaces shall follow the guidelines as established in § 220-1.07 of this chapter.
Building envelope locations shall follow the guidelines as established in § 220-1.08.
The configuration of lot lines shall follow the guidelines of § 220-1.09 and, in addition, shall provide for the requirements of Part 3 of this chapter.