[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting 5-8-1988 ATM, Art. 98, as Sec. 155.1 of the General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Sewer connections — See Ch. 546.
Waterways — See Ch. 635.
For the purpose of ensuring compliance with minimum standards for the health and safety of the Inhabitants of Webster and for protecting groundwater, drinking water and Webster Lake from contamination or pollution, and to provide for the pumping and disposal of the contents of privies, cesspools and septic tanks as a public service, it shall be the duty of the Board of Selectmen through the Town Administrator or their agents, to examine, remove or prevent nuisances due to improper on-site sewage disposal systems bordering Webster Lake and the Town Administrator is directed and authorized to implement a program of septic systems inspection, repair and maintenance, and disposal of the contents of such septic systems.
The Board of Selectmen shall adopt and the Town Administrator or their agents shall enforce rules and regulations relative to such a program of inspection, repair, maintenance and disposal of the contents of privies, cesspools and to establish reasonable fees to defray the costs of such program, such fees to be paid by the owners of properties included in the program.
The Town Administrator or his or her agents shall have express authority under this bylaw to make inspections of on-site sewage disposal systems. Failure to maintain a proper system may be deemed a nuisance, and the board of Selectmen may require such a system to be cleaned or repaired at the expense of the property owner.