All applications for Planning Board review and approval of development under this Code (other than minor subdivisions) shall contain a traffic impact statement in the form required by this article, unless the statement is specifically waived by the Planning Board.
In addition, a traffic impact statement may be required for a Zoning Board of Adjustment application depending on the type and size of the application. Such a determination will be made by either the Board's traffic consultant or the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The traffic impact study report shall contain the following information:
A full documentation of existing conditions on adjacent streets which provide direct site ingress/egress, including roadway pavement width, rights-of-way, parking conditions, pavement conditions, sight distances, grades and alignment of the roadway(s). Existing traffic control devices (traffic signals, speed limits, etc.) shall be described, as well as any pertinent signing or pavement markings. Existing traffic volumes for peak hour conditions shall be presented with the source of these data denoted.
Projections of traffic to be generated by the proposed development for an average, daily, morning peak hour(s), an average daily, afternoon peak hour(s) and any other peak hour traffic condition deemed applicable as a result of the type and/or location of the proposed generator. Traffic generation rates should be based upon the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Handbook or upon local indices which can be substantiated by supporting documentation. Also, a trip distribution relating to the site traffic and the assignment of the site traffic to the adjacent street system shall be provided. The resultant trip distribution/site traffic assignment shall be fully documented. Any assumptions regarding the diversion of existing traffic to or from alternative routes should be clearly specified in the statement.
An assessment of the traffic impact of the proposed development, including a capacity study of each site impacted intersection or roadway segment. These capacity studies shall be done for existing conditions, site predevelopment conditions and site build-out conditions. The site build-out analysis shall be based on traffic volumes projected forward to the anticipated build-out year with adjustments for area-wide growth and seasonal traffic flow variations. Capacity determinations shall be based upon normally accepted standards and documentation, with the basis of these capacity analyses clearly indicated and provided as documentation. In the event the project is staged over a period of time, traffic volume projections for each stage with corresponding capacity analyses shall be provided and documented.
A site's traffic volume contribution to the overall background traffic at each site impacted intersection and/or roadway segment shall be determined.
A determination of any roadway/intersection deficiencies for existing and/or future conditions. Specific recommendations for the resolution of these deficiencies shall also be addressed in the statement. The statement shall contain a listing of any and all actions to be undertaken by the applicant to mitigate any traffic problems and, as such, shall be considered a firm offer by the applicant to undertake said actions, subject to approval by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment. The responsibility for the traffic mitigation measures will be based on a developer's fair share of the improvements.
The Board shall approve a traffic impact study report only if the Board finds and determines that:
The report meets the requirements outlined herein.
The applicant has provided sufficient commitments, which shall become conditions of approval, to ensure that traffic problems will be minimized.
Nineteen copies of the traffic impact study report shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board at the time of the original submission of the application. Any alteration or amendment to the application or plan which would substantially alter specific land uses, site acreage, building floor area, highway access design or any other feature which could cause a significant change in the traffic generation rates, patterns or overall impact shall require the submission of a revised traffic impact study report. In situations where state or county highways are adjacent to or potentially impacted by the proposed project, a copy of the report shall be provided to the Commissioner of Transportation, New Jersey Department of Transportation, for state highways and the Burlington County Department of Transportation for county highways.
The Board may waive the requirement for a traffic impact study report totally or partially if sufficient evidence is submitted to the Board to indicate that the proposed project will have a negligible traffic impact or that a complete report need not be prepared and submitted in order to evaluate adequately the specific traffic impact engendered by the development application. The burden of demonstrating exceptions hereinabove stated shall at all times rest with the applicant, who must affirmatively demonstrate to the Board the basis for the waiver request.