Any retail business within the Borough which has a registered sales tax certificate, agricultural certificate or a permit from the Borough of Haledon may display for sale their goods related to such business or sidewalk sales, provided that sidewalks and intersections are kept clear.
Outdoor street merchants who sell their merchandise from cars, trucks, trailers, walks, walls or hung on ropes or chains or any other area that serves as a display, is strictly forbidden on any street, parking area, public or private open lot in the Borough of Haledon.
Parking lots cannot be used for the display of merchandise for sale unless a permit is obtained from the Borough of Haledon and is not in violation of any zoning ordinance with the Borough of Haledon.
The hours permitted for a sale subject to this article of this chapter shall not begin before 7:00 a.m. or go past 8:00 p.m. on the day of the sale or the times as may be indicated in the permit from the Borough of Haledon.