The intent of this district is to allow for the use and continued development of publicly owned and nonprofit institutional property.
Facilities may include churches, parks, governmental offices, golf courses, nature preserves, public or private schools, recreational trails, cemeteries, public utility facilities, and telecommunication towers (Chapter 173 of the Code of the Town of Clarence).
In general, buildings and structures within the Community Facilities District should match the character of the surrounding land uses.
There shall be no minimum lot size standard in this zoning classification.
The minimum development setbacks for principal structures shall be as follows:
Front (defined as main entrance): 80 feet.
All other setbacks (side and rear): 25 feet.
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Exceptions: roof equipment not intended for human occupancy and which is necessary to the structure upon which it is placed and steeples or spires and bell towers.
Internal setbacks for buildings shall be such that circulation of auto and pedestrian traffic is accommodated and all fire safety issues are addressed.
Internal buildings shall be laid out in the form of quadrangles or other well-defined open areas to give prominence to important structures and to allow for gathering and pedestrian circulation.
All parking required by the uses in this district shall be provided on site and in sufficient number not to require on-street parking or encroachment on adjacent property.
Parking areas shall not encroach into any required development setback and shall be interconnected within the property.
Trash containers, storage areas, loading areas and mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view.
Principal structures shall be built so that they terminate a vista, where possible, and shall be of sufficient design to create visual anchors for the property. All principal structures on a property shall maintain a consistent architectural style.
The following are permitted accessory structures/uses:
Parking facilities.
Utility sheds.
Pole barns.
Recreational facilities.
No accessory buildings designed, intended or used for community facility purposes shall extend closer than 25 feet to any side or rear lot line of any residential lot used wholly for residential purposes, nor closer than 25 feet to any residential district boundary, nor closer than 10 feet to any side or rear lot line wholly within any commercial zoning district. Accessory buildings lying wholly to the rear of the principal buildings shall not extend closer than 10 feet to the side or rear lot line, provided these lines do not designate a residential district boundary or are in common with a lot used wholly for residential purposes.