[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Waverly 9-13-1983 as L.L. No. 1-1983. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Sewers — See Ch. 119.
The Board of Trustees for the Village of Waverly, New York, has, since the creation of the village's sewage treatment facility and collection system, realized the need for a governmental agency to oversee the effective operation, maintenance and financing of the facility and system.
It is the belief of the Board of Trustees that the most effective use of the facility would be accomplished by having a group of individuals, to be known as the "Board of Sewer Commissioners" (hereinafter, "the Board"), who will be appointed to assist the Board of Trustees in the operation of the aforementioned facility and provide the residents of the village with an efficient, equitable and organized process for the disposal of sewage produced by the village.
[Amended 11-8-1983 by L.L. No. 4-1983]
The Board shall be composed of at least three persons and not more than seven persons. One of those persons shall be known as the "Senior Commissioner." It shall be the responsibility of the Senior Commissioner to conduct the meetings of the Board, report to the Village Board at the regular monthly meetings and make arrangements for the preservation of minutes showing official action taken by the Board.
The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Village Board.
The members of the Board shall serve for five-year terms, commencing and ending on the same dates as the terms for all other appointed village officials. However, the first-term appointments of the members made by the Mayor shall be for terms of five years, four years, three years, two years and one-year, so that, commencing June 1, 1983, there shall be one new five-year appointment each year.
The Senior Commissioner shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by a majority vote of the Village Board.
[Amended 11-8-1983 by L.L. No. 4-1983]
After the first meeting on Wednesday, November 2, 1983, the Board will meet on the first Monday of each month at a time convenient for the members of the Board and interested citizens.
The Board is authorized to conduct whatever other meetings it may deem necessary for the efficient handling of sewer business; provided, however, that no action shall be taken by the Board unless notice of the meeting has been given to the public.
There must be at least three members of the Board present in order for the Board to take any official action. No action shall be taken by the Board unless it is approved by a majority vote of the Board.
The Board shall keep minutes of its regular meetings so that a record will be kept of all action taken by the Board.
It shall be the responsibility of the plant operator to attend the regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Employees. The Board shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Village Board to select and discharge employees of the sewage treatment facility.
Sewer rates. The Board shall have the authority to make recommendations to the Village Board regarding increases or decreases in sewer capital charges and sewer use rates.
Operation of facility. The Board shall have the authority to oversee the operation of the sewage treatment facility, always giving due consideration to the insight of the plant operator.
Administration of other laws. The Board shall have the power to direct all property owners within the village to attach their sewer lines to the sewer lines of the village in accordance with the previous ordinances and local laws of the village and to refer any violations of the law to the Village Board and the Village Attorney for appropriate legal action.
Appeals and disagreements. The Board shall have the authority and the duty to consider the appeals and grievances of property owners and sewer users regarding sewer rates, sewer capital charges, including the proper number of units charged, and the proper functioning of the sewage treatment facility in general.
Billing. The Board shall have the responsibility of overseeing the billing procedure for the various charges assessed against all users of the sewage treatment facility and to implement procedures for the prompt payment of such bills.
Contracts. The Board shall have the authority to enter into contracts and to spend money allocated for its yearly budget. In the event that the Board spends more money than has been allocated to the sewage treatment facility for any given year, the Board shall immediately notify the Village Board that the budgeted amount has been exceeded.
Budget. The Board shall have the responsibility of presenting a proposed annual budget to the Village Board, which shall either be accepted or rejected by the Village Board.
Review of laws; recommendations. The Board shall have the responsibility of reviewing existing local laws of the Village of Waverly which deal with the sewage treatment facility and making recommendations to the Village Board regarding any appropriate changes which should be made or new laws which should be enacted.
The Village Board shall be given the authority to veto any action taken by the Board if it determines that such action would not be in the best interest of the residents of the village.
In order to veto action taken by the Board, the Village Board must have a two-thirds majority of its membership, said membership to include the Mayor as a voting party, which is in disagreement with the action taken by the Board.
The compensation to be paid to each member of the Board shall be $200 per year per person.
The members shall be paid once every three months at the regularly scheduled Board meetings.
The compensation of the members of the Board is to be changed only by resolution of the Village Board.
The Board may be dissolved only by a local law properly enacted by the Village Board.