The following specific acts or omissions or the maintenance or allowing of any of the following conditions are hereby declared to be nuisances:
Depositing or maintaining of any foul or offensive matter in or upon any lot, yard, street, house, building or any other premises or public or private place.
Allowing any garbage or excrement or any other offensive or decomposed solid or fluid matter or substance to leak or escape from any cart, wagon, vehicle, airplane or other container in which the same may be conveyed or contained.
Maintaining any excavation or any cans, barrels or other receptacles where water may stagnate or mosquito larvae may breed or which may be constituted a menace to life, limb or health.
Permitting any human excrement or material containing human excrement to remain or flow upon the surface of the ground or to remain or flow in any ditch or stream or burying, ploughing under or otherwise disposing of such excrement or permitting the same to come within 100 feet of any stream, lake, spring or other source of water and/or depositing any such material where it is likely to gain access to such water or appear again above the surface of the ground.
Throwing or overflowing or permitting the throwing of overflowing of any water slops, stable drainage, liquid filth, septic tank or privy contents upon any public or private property.
Polluting any well, spring, stream, lake or supply of drinking water.
Permitting any privy vault or cesspool to become or remain filled to within one foot of the surface of the surrounding ground.
Vermin or insect extermination.
The sale of any poisonous substance, either gaseous, liquid, solid or semisolid, for the extermination of vermin or insects unless the substance is clearly and legibly labeled and so sealed as to make the accidental use of such substance improbable. The sale of poisonous flypaper is prohibited.
The use of any poisonous gas or any poisonous liquid or substance for the termination of vermin without first obtaining a permit from the Board.
Maintaining any chimney, smokestack, pipe or flue or any part thereof that is out of repair and so defective as to allow coal gas or other noxious fumes to escape into the building where it is situated or into any adjacent building.
Allowing any unclean or unsanitary conditions to exist in any cellar, room or building, any imperfect plumbing or sewer appliances or connection from which any foul or noxious odors or liquids may escape.
Keeping cattle, poultry or small animals in any building used as a human habitation, except as to small animals or fowl, commonly used as pets; the keeping of horses, cows, goats, dogs, cats and other animals under unsanitary conditions.
Maintaining any stable that is not provided with watertight floors, properly graded, trapped and drained to a proper sewer or cesspool, if no sewer is available.
Expectorating or throwing papers or substances upon the steps, halls, floors or other parts of any public building or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, street, park, playground, public conveyance or other public place.
Taking or allowing any animal to enter any store where food is sold or processed.
Permitting any dog or other animal to commit any nuisance on any sidewalk or upon any shrubbery, fences or buildings in the Borough of Riverdale.
Maintaining any vehicle used for hire or for a public conveyance in a dirty or unsanitary condition.
Permitting the emission of dense smoke, dust, gases or cinders in sufficient quantities to cause injury to health.
Maintaining, permitting or causing the maintenance or existence of any offensive matter, foul or noxious odors, gases or vapors and all causes of disease which are injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the Borough.
Any premises that are not provided with suitable water closets in good working order or privy vaults for all persons working thereon or living therein.
Permitting poison ivy or other poisonous plants to be or to grow upon any public or private property within 25 feet of any public sidewalk, public street, party line or building. Permitting the flowering of any ragweed or other noxious or hurtful weed upon any property is not permitted. Provisions of the Weed Control Code of New Jersey (1953) will be the standard under which this provision shall be enforced.
The sale or distribution of medicines, remedies, medical literature, cosmetics or remedial, curative, reducing and prophylactic devices upon the streets or from house to house without permission of the Board.
The keeping or maintaining of any cuspidor is prohibited.
The pursuit of any trade or business in such a manner as to be obnoxious or offensive or which may be attended with noisome or unhealthful odors or which may be attended by such condition or noises as may be detrimental to health.
The supplying or furnishing of any roller towel (except such roller towel which can be mechanically adjusted for individual use or except individual paper towels) or of any towel for use by more than one person without immediate laundering, in any hotel, school house, restaurant, boardinghouse, clubhouse, bakery, washroom or public lavatory or in any place where a number of people congregate.
Any other unsanitary condition affecting health or any other condition defined as a nuisance by the State Board of Health, the State Sanitary Code or any other statute of New Jersey.
The Board of Health may institute an action of law to recover costs incurred by it in the removal or abatement of any nuisance as declared by § 176-4 of this code from any person who shall have caused or allowed such nuisance to exist or from any owner, tenant or occupant of premises who, after notice and notification as herein provided, shall fail to remove and abate the same, within the time specified in such notice.