[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Riverton 12-14-2005 by Ord. No. 22-2005. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Loitering — See Ch. 84.
Parks, playgrounds and recreational areas — See Ch. 92.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 94.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words shall be defined as follows:
A person who has been convicted of a criminal offense against a minor, or an aggravated offense, sexually violent offense, or other relevant offenses that involved a minor, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:7-2.
The place where a convicted sex offender sleeps, which may include more than one location, and may be mobile or transitory.
No convicted sex offender shall be permitted to live or establish residence within 1,000 feet of the property comprising of a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, a child-care facility, or a park or playground in the Borough.
A convicted sex offender who resides within 1,000 feet of a property comprising of a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, a child-care facility, park or playground commits a misdemeanor.
The residency limitations set forth in § 107-2 shall not apply to any convicted sex offender who has established residence prior to enactment of this chapter.
A convicted sex offender who establishes residence within 1,000 feet from a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, a child-care facility, park or playground after the enactment of this chapter shall have 60 days from receipt of a written notice from the Borough to move from the residence. Failure to move shall be a violation of this chapter.
Any individual, partnership, agency, corporation or nonprofit organization that permits, allows, suffers or otherwise facilitates a convicted sex offender to reside in or on a property within 1,000 feet from a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school, a child-care facility, parks or playground shall be liable under this chapter.
No convicted sex offender shall be present in or on any Borough park or park property which has been designated by the Borough Council as a park frequented by children.
No convicted sex offender is permitted to knowingly loiter on a public way within 300 feet from a Borough park.
If a police officer reasonably believes that a convicted sex offender is in a Borough park in violation of this section, the officer shall require the convicted sex offender to provide his/her name, address, and telephone number. If it is established that the convicted sex offender is on the New Jersey Sex Offender Registry list, the officer shall notify the convicted sex offender that he/she is in violation of this section.
Any convicted sex offender found guilty of violating any provision of this chapter, except as set forth below, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,250, imprisonment of a term not to exceed 90 days and/or a period of community service not to exceed 90 days.
Any individual, corporation, agency, partnership or organization convicted of violating § 107-4, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $500 for each violation.
Any convicted sex offender convicted of violating § 107-5 shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $500 for each violation and/or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.
Repealer. Any and all ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of any such inconsistencies.
Severability. In the event that any clause, section, paragraph or sentence of this chapter is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, then the Borough Council hereby declares its intent that the balance of the chapter not affected by said invalidity shall remain in full force and effect to the extent that it allows the Borough to meet the goals of the chapter.
When effective. This chapter shall take effect upon proper passage in accordance with the law.