The following insertions and changes are hereby made to the International Mechanical Code/1996:
Section 106.5, Fees, shall be amended to refer to the Montgomery Township Fee Schedule as periodically changed by resolution of the Montgomery Township Board of Supervisors.
Section 109, Appeals Board, shall hereafter be referred to as the Montgomery Township Board of Supervisors.
The following provisions are hereby added to this code:
AC and/or DC carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in all residential uses containing oil, gas, Lp or any fossil-fuel-burning heating device, appliance, etc. The locations shall be adjacent to the heating device and one on each living or sleeping level of home, or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
All metal duct work return or supply shall be equipped with a flex collar between the vertical and horizontal run as close to the furnace plumen as possible for reducing sound transmission through vibration.
Mechanical equipment below grade shall be installed a minimum of four inches above slab.