[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Hazlet 3-7-1989 by Ord. No. 732-89 (Ch. XXI of the 1982 Revised General Ordinances); amended in its entirety 9-11-1993 by Ord. No. 923-93 (Ch. 27 of the 1993 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 82.
The provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.5 shall be enforced in the Township of Hazlet. Any alleged violation thereof shall be governed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.10 and 40A:9-22.11.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 1696-22]
This section shall be cited as the "Anti-Nepotism Policy" of the Township of Hazlet.
This policy is not for the purpose of depriving any citizen of an equal chance for employment with the Township of Hazlet but is solely intended to eliminate the potential for preferential treatment of relatives of certain government and/or municipal personnel.
The prohibitions set forth in this section shall not apply to appointments to the various Boards, Commissions, and/or Ad Hoc Committees of the Town.
This section and the prohibition against certain hiring contained herein shall be applied prospectively only from the effective date of its enactment and shall not in any way be construed to prohibit or make unlawful any current employment relationship or situation or promotion of any person currently employed by the Township as of the effective date of this section, which may technically be violative of the terms hereof but for its prospective application. For purposes of interpreting this section, persons appointed to positions of employment with the Township for a set term shall be considered current employees, notwithstanding the fact that the term may have ended. Such persons holding positions of employment with the Township under a set term may be hired to any position in the Township, rehired, reappointed or promoted, as the case may be without violating this section.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
An individual holding the position of Mayor or Township Committeeperson.
Any employee of the Township having supervisory duties and powers over another employee(s) within the respective department of the Township.
A spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, parent, child, adopted child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, first cousin, in-law, (applies to parents and siblings of a spouse), half-relative (applies to parents and siblings of a spouse), half-relative or step-relative (applies to parents and siblings), or a person with whom a significant committed relationship exists (living together for more than 12 months).
The following restrictions shall apply in the hiring and promotion of employees to employment positions for the Township of Hazlet:
Hiring: Unless otherwise prohibited by law or New Jersey Department of Personnel Rules, but notwithstanding the terms of any collective bargaining agreement to the contrary:
No person who is a relative of an elected official or an executive shall be appointed, hired, employed or permitted to work for the Township of Hazlet in any unclassified position.
No person shall be employed by or transferred to a position of employment with the Township where such person will be supervisor of or be supervised by their Relative who is an existing employee within the same department.
Promotion. Notwithstanding the prospective application as to the remainder of this section as described above, no elected official or executive in any department may participate in the promotion process or hiring process in that department of any existing employee who is a relative of such elected official or executive, unless otherwise required by law or New Jersey Department of Personnel Rules. Such elected official or executive shall abstain from participation in such personnel action as it applies to such relative.