Monuments shall be placed at all block corners, angle points, points of curvature in streets and points of tangency or horizontal curves and at intermediate points as shall be required by the engineer; however, in no case shall there be less than four permanent monuments per block. The monuments shall be of such material, size and length as may be approved by the engineer.
Utility and street improvements shall be provided in each new subdivision in accordance with the following:
Water supply and fire hydrants.
Public or central water supply available. If public or approved water supply is utilized, the system shall be designed with adequate main sizes and fire hydrant water supply to meet the Association of Fire Underwriters specifications for a protected area. Such system shall be approved by the Village agency or authority operating the central water system.
No public water.
In general. A project water system with a central well, adequately planned and protected, is often less expensive to install than an individual well serving each lot. It is also easier to protect against contamination. If contamination does occur, it is simpler and more efficient to purify the water from a central well than from numerous individual wells.
Project system. If a project system is planned, it shall be approved by the New York State Department of Health and the central well drilled, tested and approved prior to filing the application for the subdivision. All land within 100 feet of a project well shall be suitably protected and restricted from development. All lines shall be of the size specified by the Village Board in its regulations and standards of the Village supply system.
Individual wells. If the water supply is to be from an individual well, the developer shall provide at least one test well for each unit of 10 or fewer lots in the subdivision, location of such well to be approved by the Planning Board. Test wells shall be drilled, cased and grout sealed into bedrock, shall be not less than 25 feet deep and shall have a production capacity of not less than five gallons per minute of safe drinking water as certified by the New York State Department of Health on the basis of bailer test.
Sanitary sewer facilities.
Public sewer available. No stormwater shall be allowed to enter sanitary sewers. Proof shall be submitted showing that all plans of sewer extensions have been approved by the New York State Health Department. Where required by Village policy, an offer to dedicate sewers shall be prepared in form suitable to the Village Attorney.
On-the-lot sewage disposal systems are generally unsatisfactory even when carefully designed and constructed and given the best of maintenance. Poor design, inadequate construction or poor maintenance can result in conditions dangerous to health and generally obnoxious to the senses. In view of the above, individual lot on-site sewage disposal systems will not be approved within the limits of the Village of Delhi unless the distance from the nearest point on the lot line exceeds 500 feet.
Project systems. Project systems shall be designed by a licensed engineer, shall provide a six-inch-minimum-size connection to each lot and shall have an adequate sewage disposal plant with suitable arrangements for the operation thereof. Plans shall be approved by the New York State Department of Health.
Storm drainage.
Storm drainage facilities shall provide a clear and protected channel fully adequate to handle runoff from a five-year storm. The developer should keep in mind that more severe storms occur at less frequent intervals and, where feasible, so design subdivisions that especially heavy runoff exceeding the capacity of the required channels can be handled with the least possible damage to improvements and structures.
The rational method shall ordinarily be used in computing runoff, using the formula Q=CIA wherein:
Water reaching channel, culvert bridge or storm sewer in cubic feet per second
Rainfall in inches per hour
Coefficient of runoff suggested as follows:
Areas primarily paved or in building (such as shopping centers): 0.85
Primarily residential area with lots smaller than 7,500 square feet or apartment areas: 0.55
Primarily residential areas with lots 7,500 square feet to 1/2 acre: 0.40
Primarily residential areas with lots 20,000 square feet or over: 0.35
Cemeteries, parkland and other permanent open areas: 0.30
Area in acres
Minimum culvert shall be 15 inches.
Bridges or culverts, serving a drainage area of more than one square mile, shall be approved by the New York State Department of Public Works.
In small drainage areas intended for residential development, the following rule of thumb may, if desired, be substituted where applicable.
For drainage areas less than one acre in area: twelve-inch pipe.
For drainage areas one to two acres in area: fifteen-inch pipe.
For drainage areas two to four acres in area: eighteen-inch pipe.
General design.
Preferred runoff pattern. Preferred design of streets and grading in relation to storm drainage shall be such that runoff from roofs, driveways and other impervious surfaces will be collected in the ditches and/or gutters along the street in short runs (300 or 400 feet), and will be diverted from the street surface into storm sewers or natural watercourses. Streets should be located away from watercourses unless storm sewers are to be installed.
Downstream disposal. Subdivision and development of an area increases and concentrates on the runoff of stormwater from the area. Subdividers are warned that such increase may cause flood or erosion damage to undeveloped properties lying downstream. Storm drainage channels opening on an unimproved land shall empty into natural watercourses unless suitable agreement is reached with the owner of the downstream property for another method of handling. In any instance, the disposal of storm drainage downstream shall be satisfactory to the Planning Board as advised by the engineer.
Open watercourses. The use of open watercourses for drainage may involve problems relating to safety, erosion control, stagnant water, protection of capacity and appearance, all of which shall be given adequate attention by the developer as follows:
Safety. Broad, shallow courses shall be created wherever necessary to increase capacity or eliminate steep banks. Ditches shall, wherever feasible, be in the shape of a wide-top V with rounded or squared invert.
Erosion control. There shall be required seeding to prevent erosion. The Planning Board shall require seeding, sodding, planting, riprap, or other such measures as may be necessary to prevent scouring.
Drainage. The developer shall guard against the creation or continuation of swampy areas or stagnant pools. The Planning Board shall require fill and/or channel improvements in order to forestall such problems.
Protection of capacity. The developer shall provide adequate measures for the protection of open drainage channels by establishing drainage easements sufficiently wide (generally 20 feet) to enable the working of the channel by motorized equipment or, alternately, where authorized by the Planning Board, a center block part of a minimum width of 50 feet. All easements shall prohibit the erection of structures, the dumping of fill or the alteration or obstruction of the watercourses without the written permission of the Village Board. Property lines shall be so designed as to allow drainage easements, except that drainage easements may be allowed to cross lots larger than one acre.
Appearance. The developer should keep in mind that natural watercourses can be an attractive asset to the subdivision as well as to the community and, where possible, should improve and beautify the watercourses to this end.
Design of storm sewers.
Size and grade. Storm sewers shall have a minimum diameter of 15 inches and a minimum grade of 0.5%.
Manholes. Manholes shall not be more than 300 feet apart where pipe sizes of 24 inches or less are used and not more than 540 feet apart where larger sizes are installed.
Change in direction. Special sections of radii of 10 to 15 feet shall be installed where abrupt changes are made in alignment.
Design of ditches and gutters.
Length of flow. Subdivisions should be so designed that length of flow or water in gutter or roadside ditch does not exceed 400 feet, except that in exceptional cases, runs up to 800 feet in length may be permitted by the Planning Board. Runs exceeding the maximum shall be put in storm sewers or diverted to natural drainageways.
Minimum grade. All enclosed drainage courses shall be designed with sufficient grade to create a cleansing velocity of three feet per second. A lesser grade may be permitted by the Planning Board where a greater grade cannot be achieved.
Street crossing. Water in gutters and ditches shall not be allowed to flow over intersecting streets but shall be placed in adequate culverts.
Depth and shape of ditches.
Where roadside ditches are permitted for runs of more than 300 feet or where subgrade drainage is necessary, the bottom of such ditch should be below the subgrade and, at a minimum, should be approximately 18 inches below the crown of the road.
Ditches shall be V-shaped or parabolic with sides sloping at approximately one-inch vertical to three inches horizontal except where other cross section plan is authorized.
Erosion control. Suitable headwalls, endwalls, ditch seeding or sodding and other procedures or devices to prevent erosion shall be used.
Requirement shall be as follows:
Arterial streets: cross sections in accordance with the Official Map and Comprehensive Plan or as determined by the engineer and Planning Board or by state or county road authorities.
Collector streets: two five-foot sidewalks each one foot from the property line.
Minor streets and culs-de-sac: two five-foot sidewalks each one foot from the property line.
Marginal access streets: approximately 10 feet to be used as part of the separation strip between marginal road and adjacent arterial or collector.
Streets along development boundaries and streets connecting the development with existing improved street system: cross sections as determined by the engineer and Planning Board.
Grading and center-line gradients: per plans and profiles approved by the engineer.
Streetlighting: per plans and specifications approved by the engineer.
Street name signs: at all intersections, the design of which must be substantially of the kind, size and type presently in use within the Village.
Residential construction standards shall meet the specifications set forth on the drawing in this section. These specifications are established for natural conditions of satisfactory subgrades, slope and drainage. Where these natural conditions are other than favorable, the Planning Board, after consultation with the Village Superintendent of Public Works, may require reasonable higher standards for gravel base and pavement and may specify special treatment of the subgrade.
For commercial, industrial and other nonresidential subdivisions, construction standards for required improvements shall be specified by the Planning Board.
The developer shall furnish a performance bond or cause a deposit sufficient to cover the full costs of the construction of such utility and street improvements as may be required by the Planning Board in accordance with § 7-730, Subdivision 9(a), of the Village Law. The developer may install such utility and street improvements at his own expense or, in the alternative, may secure the formation of a special district to install such utility and street improvements pursuant to laws of the state.