All requirements established in §§ 460-21 through 460-26 shall apply to conservation CSMs. Additional requirements shall include:
Identification of the area within the newly created parcel to be permanently preserved as open space. This area must represent a minimum of 50% of the parcel of the newly created parcel unless otherwise approved by the Plan Commission.
A preservation or restoration plan for the preserved open space area of any newly created parcel.
All certified survey maps for land divisions within the Transitional Residential District and within agricultural areas (as identified on the Town of Buchanan Future Land Use Map) shall reserve as preserved open space, at a minimum, 50% of the parcel of each parcel created as a result of the certified survey map.
The preserved open space within the conservation CSM shall be restored as agricultural use, woodland, wetland or native grassland and managed as such in perpetuity through the use of a conservation easement, deed restriction or similar vehicle.