The Fire Official may require and designate public and private fire lanes as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective operation of fire apparatus and other emergency equipment.
Fire lanes required by the Fire Official shall not conflict with prior approvals issued by the Planning and/or Zoning Boards.
Designated fire lanes shall be clearly identified through the use of fire lane signs "No Parking — Fire Lane" and/or reflective yellow painted six-inch-wide stripping and lettering on a paved surface at ground level as approved by the Fire Official.
Designated fire lanes shall be maintained free of all obstructions, and no person shall at any time park a motor vehicle in, or otherwise obstruct, the fire lane in any way.
Fire lane markings shall be maintained clean and legible at all times and replaced when necessary to ensure adequate visibility.
Vehicles parked in clearly identified fire lanes shall be subject to a penalty in the amount of not less than $50 or greater than $100 for each separate offense. The Fire Official will issue a notice of violation and penalty assessment to the vehicle owner/driver or place the notice on the windshield of the vehicle if the owner/driver is not available. This penalty must be paid within 30 days after issuance. If the penalty is not paid within 30 days, this matter will be referred to the Township Attorney for Municipal Court enforcement and summary collection under the New Jersey Penalty Enforcement Law, N.J.S.A. 2A:58-1 et seq.