Whenever the Common Council shall, by vote, at a regular meeting of 2/3 of all the members of said Council voting therefor, decide to lay out, open, make, alter, widen, contract or discontinue any square, street, alley, lane or highway, it shall cause a notice of such decision to be published daily for two successive weeks in the official newspaper, stating the day upon which it will act thereupon, which day shall be at least two weeks subsequent to the first publication of notice.
In case it shall not be necessary to appropriate, for any purpose contemplated in the preceding section, any real estate which shall not belong to the City, or which shall not be given to the City for the purpose, the Common Council, upon the day fixed in the notice, may proceed to lay out, alter, widen, contract or discontinue such square, street, alley, lane or highway mentioned in the notice.
In case it shall be necessary to appropriate, for any street, alley, square, lane, highway, walk, bridge, drain or sewer, any real estate, property, right or easement which the City may not be permitted by the owner freely to appropriate, and cannot purchase by contract with the owner thereof, in addition to the notice provided for in § C13-1 of this Charter, the Common Council shall cause a notice to be served upon each of the owners of such real estate, if they can be ascertained, that the Common Council will act upon the question of making an appropriation thereof for the purpose proposed at a time mentioned therein, which shall be at least two weeks after such service. The notice shall be served personally upon persons residing in the City, or by leaving the same at their places of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion. Upon nonresidents it may be served personally or by mailing it, addressed to them at their reputed places of abode. In case the owners are unknown, or their places of abode cannot be ascertained, the publication of the notice, once in each week for two successive weeks in the official newspaper, shall be equivalent to personal service.
Upon proof's by affidavit of the service of the notice required by the last preceding section being filed with the Clerk, the Common Council may apply to the County Court of Columbia County, in term or at chambers, or to the Supreme Court, at a special term thereof, held for the Third Judicial District, for the appointment of Commissioners. Previous to such application the Common Council shall cause a notice of the time and place, when and where such application will be made, to be published in the official newspaper once in each week for at least two successive weeks, and, at the time such application shall be made, proof by affidavit shall be furnished to said Court of the due publication of such notice, and any party interested shall be entitled to be heard upon such application. At the time mentioned in such notice, upon the application of the Common Council, the Court shall appoint three disinterested freeholders of the City Commissioners, whose duty it shall be to ascertain and report a description of the real estate required to be appropriated, with the names of the owners and the compensation which should be made to them respectively therefor; what the whole expense will amount to; whether any, and, if any, what, part thereof, ought to be borne by the City, and whether any, and, if any, what, real estate would be benefited by the improvement requiring the appropriation of such real estate, specifying the same in parcels, described with certainty, with the names of the owners, if they can be ascertained, and the proportion and amount of benefit which each parcel would receive. The Commissioners aforesaid shall, before entering upon their duties, make and file with the City Clerk an oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to discharge their duties according to the best of their ability. They shall cause a notice of the time and place of their first meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least six days before such meeting, and they shall continue their meetings by adjournment from time to time until they shall complete their report. They shall view the premises and receive any evidence that may be offered touching the question before them, and may administer oaths to witnesses who may be examined before them, and shall with all convenient dispatch make their report.
On the coming in of the report, as provided in the last preceding section, the Common Council shall cause to be published in the official newspaper a notice that the same is filed with the Clerk, and that at the time specified therein, which shall be at least six days after the first publication of said notice, it will act upon the same. Prior to such day, any person objecting to the matters contained in the report, or to the proposed improvement, may file with the Clerk his objections in writing, which objections shall be read before the Common Council before any action shall be had on said report. The Common Council may confirm or reject said report; and, if the same shall be rejected, it may, in the manner provided in the last preceding section, apply to either of said Courts for the appointment of three other disinterested freeholders as Commissioners as aforesaid, who shall proceed anew in the premises. Upon the coming in of their report the same shall be filed with the Clerk in the same manner as the report of the first Commissioners. The second report shall be final without further confirmation. The Commissioners shall be paid for their service such compensation as the Common Council shall deem proper.
Upon confirming the first report of the Commissioners or upon the filing of the second report as above provided, the Common Council may, by a vote of a majority of all its members, authorize and direct the appropriation of the real estate and the making of the improvement. In such case it shall cause an assessment to be made by transcribing so much of the report acted upon as contained the description of each parcel of real estate to be benefited by the improvement, with the name of the owner, if known, and the amount of the proportion of benefit which it would receive, directing such amount to be assessed upon such parcels of real estate respectively. The assessment shall be made to resemble in form, as nearly as practicable, the tax list, and be provided with a column in which payment can be entered by the Treasurer. Two copies thereof shall be made and signed by the Mayor and Clerk, one of which shall be filed with the Clerk and the other delivered to the Treasurer.
The assessment lists so filed with the Clerk and delivered to the Treasurer shall, in all courts and places, be evidence of the assessments therein specified, and all sums of money assessed therein, upon or in respect to any real estate, shall be liens thereon for two years from the time the assessment lists are filed with the Clerk.
Upon receiving an assessment list, pursuant to any of the provisions of this article, the Treasurer shall cause to be published in the official newspaper a notice similar to the one required upon receiving the tax list, and the Treasurer shall attend at his office for the purpose of receiving the moneys due upon said assessment lists, as provided in § C18-7 of this Charter, and at the expiration of the month mentioned in said section the Treasurer shall make a return to the Common Council of all sums remaining unpaid upon said list, and thereafter, whenever directed by the Common Council, shall proceed to advertise and sell the premises upon which, or in respect to which, there shall remain any unpaid assessment, in the same manner as is provided in § C18-16 of this Charter, and the provisions relating to sales for unpaid taxes in this Charter shall be applicable to sales for unpaid assessments mentioned in this section.
All moneys received by the Treasurer, upon any assessment list made pursuant to the provisions of this article, shall be kept by him distinct from all other moneys, and shall be drawn from him only by orders expressly directing their application to the payment of the expenses for which the assessment was made. No money belonging to the City shall be paid out by the Treasurer upon orders drawn against moneys to be raised upon any such assessment list.
In case the Common Council shall at any time ascertain that the expense of any public improvement cannot be defrayed by the money raised upon the assessment list provided therefor, it may cause the deficiency to be assessed upon the real estate described therein, in sums proportioned to the former assessment. All the provisions of this article relative to the assessment list heretofore mentioned, to the assessment therein and to the collection and payment of the moneys thereon shall be applicable to the second assessment list in this section provided.
In case the amount raised for any public improvement by assessment shall exceed the cost of the same, such excess shall be refunded in proportion to the amount paid by each person or parcel of real estate.
No real estate shall be taken or appropriated for the opening, widening or altering of any street, lane, highway, alley, drain or sewer in the City without the permission of the owner, until the compensation reported by the Commissioners to be proper therefor shall be paid or tendered to the owner or deposited to his or her use in one of the banks of the City to be designated by the Common Council for that purpose.
When such owners of real estate shall be known to be infants under the age of 21 years, the County Judge of Columbia County, or the City Judge of the City, may, on the application of the infant or someone in behalf of said infant or of the Common Council, appoint a guardian for such infant, taking from him adequate security for the faithful performance of his duties as such, and all notices required to be served upon the infant shall be served upon such guardian, who shall see to the protection of the rights of such infant.