[Adopted 8-15-2010 by Ord. No. 1476-10]
This article shall be know as "Skate Park Rules and Regulations."
The Skate Park is open from 8:00 a.m. until dusk. No trespassing is permitted when the Skate Park is closed.
The Skate Park may be closed during wet, snow or icy conditions or during park maintenance periods, at the discretion of the Township.
The Township reserves the right to close the Skate Park or modify its hours of operation for any reason at the direction and discretion of the Township Administrator, or his/her designee.
All persons entering the Skate Park are deemed to have knowledge that the Skate Park is a nonsupervised activity site and that all use of the Skate Park is at the risk of the user.
All persons entering the Skate Park are deemed to have agreed to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Township of Hazlet, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers for, from and against any accident, injury, including death, and/or loss of property or damage thereto sustained as a result of entering the Skate Park.
All participants must skate with due care and circumspection as to avoid accidents or collisions with other skaters, and must use the equipment in the proper manner. Reckless or dangerous skating is not permitted.
Helmets, kneepads, elbow pads, appropriate closed toe footwear and wrist guards are required for all skaters.
Participants 10 years of age and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Bicycles, scooters, motorized vehicles of any kind, and skateboards with wheelbases longer than 20 inches are prohibited.
Personal ramps, rails, boxes, other apparatus or modifications to the skate surface are prohibited.
Food, beverages or glass containers are prohibited.
Spectators and pets are prohibited.
All skaters are to act in an orderly, safe and considerate manner.
Smoking, tobacco products, drugs, and alcohol are prohibited. Profanity or abusive language is prohibited.
Vandalism, graffiti and the placement of unauthorized stickers are prohibited. A violator of this provision shall be subject to all costs incurred to clean, repair and/or replace damaged equipment.
The use of radios, stereos or any type of amplified sound is prohibited. Wearing headphones is prohibited.
Each user of the Skate Park should have personal identification that includes name, address, and telephone number in his/her possession at all times.
This article shall be enforced by the Township of Hazlet and/or the Police Department of the Township of Hazlet.
Notice of these rules shall be placed at the main entrance of the Skate Park.
Any person(s) who is found to be in violation of any provisions of this article shall be subject to permanent expulsion from the Skate Park and revocation of the privilege of use of the Skate Park, and/or a fine not to exceed $300, and/or community service.