The public way known as "Stearns Square," located within the City, running north and south between Bridge Street and Worthington Street for a distance of about 260 feet in length and about 28 feet in width, situated on the easterly side of Stearns Square Park, shall be closed to vehicular traffic.
The closure shall exclude all vehicular traffic except for emergency and necessary maintenance vehicles.
Except as otherwise by ordinance or order provided and except for the purpose of receiving or discharging a load at any residence or place of business along the streets specified, no person having charge of any commercial motor vehicle, not a passenger vehicle, shall cause or permit the same to pass in any direction over any part of the streets listed below:
Name of Street
Weight Limit
Edgemont Street
[Added 4-12-2001]
Entire length
Forest Park Avenue
Between Fort Pleasant Avenue and Sumner Avenue
Holly Street, Indian Orchard
[Added 5-31-2001]
Entire length
Pasco Road
[Added 10-3-2000; amended 5-31-2001]
Between Page Boulevard and Essex Street
Pine Street
2 tons
Entire length
Between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day
South Branch Parkway
[Added 5-31-2001]
Entire length
Thompson Street
2 tons
Between St. James Avenue and State Street
At any time
Whoever shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of the aforesaid section shall, for each and every offense, pay a fine of $100.