All vehicles used in the conveyance of ice cream for sale or distribution shall be kept in a cleanly condition, and free from offensive odors.
Ice cream kept for sale in any shop, restaurant or other establishment shall be stored in a covered box or refrigerator. Such box or refrigerator shall be properly drained and cared for and shall be kept tightly closed, except during such intervals as are necessary for the introduction or removal of ice cream or ice, and they shall be kept only in such locations and under such conditions as shall be approved by the Bureau of Health.
Every person engaged in the manufacture, storage, transportation, sale or distribution of ice cream, immediately on the occurrence of any case or cases of infectious diseases, either in himself or in his family or amongst his employees or within the building or premises where ice cream is manufactured, stored, sold or distributed, shall notify the Bureau of Health and at the same time shall suspend the sale or distribution of ice cream until authorized to resume the same by the Bureau of Health. No vessels which have been handled by persons suffering from such disease shall be used to hold or to convey ice cream until they have been thoroughly sterilized.
All cream, milk or skimmed milk employed in the manufacture of ice cream shall before use be kept at a temperature not higher than 50° F.
No old or melted ice cream or ice cream returned to a manufacturer from any source shall again be used in the preparation of ice cream.
The site for an ice cream factory should be preferably above ground; the surroundings should be clean and free from all refuse accumulations.
No building space shall be used for the manufacture of ice cream which is not well lighted and ventilated and which is not provided with a suitable floor; if such room or space is a cellar or subcellar or is located in a cellar or subcellar, the floor of the same must be concreted or constructed with similar material and properly graded and drained. The surfaces of the sidewalls and ceilings of all rooms in which ice cream is manufactured shall be smooth and free from ledges, projections or crevices which may afford lodgment for dirt and dust.
No ice cream factory shall be located or maintained within any kitchen, washroom, workshop or inhabited room, nor in proximity to any privy, cesspool or urinal, nor in any room or space which is not of such size or construction as to permit the entire separation of all milk and its products, both in the process of handling and storing, from all sources of contamination, either by dirt, noxious gases, infestive organisms or substances or anything liable to alter unnecessarily the quality of such milk or its products.
Every person maintaining an ice cream factory shall have a sufficient number of receptacles made of nonabsorbant material for the reception, storage and delivery of milk, ice cream and cream and shall cause them to be kept clean at all times; having delivered any receptacles to a consumer or customer, he shall not again use the same for the reception, storage or delivery of milk, cream or ice cream or any other milk product until it has been, to his personal knowledge, properly cleansed after such use.
Every person maintaining an ice cream factory shall provide for the use thereof a supply of pure and wholesome water sufficient for the proper washing of all cans and appliances.
Every ice cream factory shall be equipped with adequate facilities for cleansing containers and utensils used in the handling of milk, cream or the finished product. The surfaces which come in contact with the milk or its manufactured products shall be exposed daily, after a thorough washing, to the application of live steam. If, however, a very small quantity of ice cream is manufactured daily and the installation of a steam appliance is impracticable, then the heating and washing facilities must be approved by the Bureau of Health.
Every factory must be provided with proper draining racks, and the same must be kept thoroughly clean.
All raw materials, pending their manufacture into ice cream, shall be stored in such a way that their wholesomeness will not be impaired.
The refreezing of milk, cream or ice cream returned to the factory is prohibited.
In no case must the operator's hands come in contact with the ice cream, and suitable appliances must be provided for removing the finished product from the dasher and interior of the ice cream freezer.
All employees must be neat in their habits; their outside garments must be made of material which can be readily cleansed by washing, and such garments must be changed at weekly intervals. Every ice cream factory shall be equipped with basin, soap and towel so that the employees can wash their hands as often as necessary.
All doors, windows or other openings shall be thoroughly screened so as to prevent the entrance of flies or other insects between the first day of April and the 31st day of October.