The legislative powers of the town shall be vested in a town meeting open to voters of the town.
The town moderator, elected as provided in section 3-3-1 of this charter, shall preside at all sessions of the town meeting.
In the absence of the town moderator, the town meeting shall, as its first act, elect a temporary moderator by a majority vote. The town clerk shall preside until such election has taken place.
In general. Subject to the provisions of this charter and to such by-laws or other town meeting votes regarding committees as may be provided, the moderator shall appoint for fixed terms the members of such committees of the town meeting, special or standing, as may from time to time be established, other than those appointed by vote of the town meeting. In addition to such specific powers, duties and responsibilities as may be provided to a town meeting committee by by-law or vote establishing it, each such committee, when acting within the scope of its authority, shall have a right to examine the pertinent records of any town agency or department and to consult with any town officer, employee or agent.
Finance Committee. There shall be a finance committee, the members of which shall be appointed by the moderator. The number of members, the term of office and any other conditions of appointment or service as may be deemed necessary or desirable shall be established by by-law. The finance committee shall hold one or more meetings to permit discussion of the subject matter of all articles contained in the warrant, except those articles subject to public hearings by other multiple member bodies and not containing appropriations. The finance committee shall report its recommendations on the articles for which it held a public hearing, in writing, at least ten (10) days prior to a scheduled town meeting. The finance committee shall have such additional powers and duties as may be provided by M.G.L.A., by this charter or by by-law.
The town meeting shall meet in regular session at least twice in each calendar year.
The first regular meeting, to be held during March, April or May, on a date fixed by by-law, shall be primarily concerned with the determination of matters involving the expenditure of town funds, including, but not limited to, the adoption of an annual operating budget for all town agencies; for the purpose of electing officers, for the determination of other matters to be decided by ballot of the voters; and which shall be deemed to be the annual town meeting.
The second such meeting, the powers of which shall also be deemed to be those of the annual town meeting, except that it shall not include the election of officers or the determination of other matters to be decided by ballots of voters, shall be held during the last four (4) calendar months, on a date fixed by by-law.
Special town meetings shall be held at the call of the board of selectmen at such times as it may deem necessary and whenever a special meeting is petitioned by voters in accordance with procedures made available by the M.G.L.A.
Every town meeting shall be called by a warrant issued by the board of selectmen which shall state the date, time and place at which the meeting is to be convened and, by separate articles, the subject matter to be acted upon.
The publication of the warrant shall be in accordance with town by-laws governing such matters.
Initiation. The board of selectmen shall receive at any time all petitions addressed to it and which request the submission of any matter to the town meeting and which are filed by: (1) any elected town officer, (2) any multiple member body acting by a majority of its members, (3) any ten (10) voters for a regular town meeting and any one hundred (100) voters for a special town meeting. In accordance with Ch. 39, section 10 of the M.G.L.A., the board of selectmen shall insert all petitions as articles on the appropriate town meeting warrant.
Referral. The board of selectmen shall immediately upon signing cause a copy of the warrant to be delivered the chairperson or the designee of the finance committee and shall cause such other distribution to be made of each warrant as may be required by by-law.
Notification. Whenever a special town meeting is to be called, the board of selectmen shall give notice of the date, time and place by publication in a local newspaper.
Every town officer, chairperson of each multiple member body, head of each department and the head of each division within said department shall attend all sessions of the town meeting for the purpose of providing the town meeting with information and answering questions concerning matters appearing in the warrant.
In the event a town officer, chairperson of a multiple member body, department head or division head is to be absent due to illness or other reasonable cause, he shall designate a deputy to attend in his place. If any person designated to attend the town meeting under this section is not a voter, such person shall, notwithstanding, have a right to address the meeting for the purpose of compliance with this section.
The town clerk shall serve as the clerk to the town meeting.
In the event of the absence of the town clerk, the town clerk shall designate a substitute; otherwise, the town moderator shall appoint a clerk pro tempore.
The town clerk shall give notice of all meetings to the public, keep a journal of its proceedings and perform such other functions as may be provided by the M.G.L.A., by charter, by by-law or by other town meeting vote.
The town meeting may, by by-law, establish and from time to time amend, revise or repeal rules to govern the conduct of all town meetings.