Legislative branch — See Charter Art. 2.
Elected officers — See Charter Art. 3.
Finance Committee — See Ch. 25, Art. II.
Financial affairs — See Ch. 71.
Records and reports — See Ch. 146.
When annual Town Meeting election held. The Annual Town Meeting for the election of Town officers shall be held on the first Tuesday of May of each year.
Hours polls are open. The polls shall be opened at a time set by the Board of Selectmen in the Warrant for a minimum of eight hours.
All business of the Annual Town Meeting, except the election of such officers and the determination of such matters as are required by law to be elected or determined by ballot, shall be considered at a meeting to be held on the fourth Wednesday of May at 7:30 p.m., or on continued dates thereafter.
All business of an obligatory Fall Special Town Meeting shall be considered at a meeting to be held not later than the third Wednesday of November at 7:30 p.m., or on continued dates thereafter.
Notice of every Town Meeting shall be given in accordance with Section 2-7-3 of the Charter and by posting attested copies of the Warrant therefor at Town Hall and in other municipal buildings throughout Town not less than 60 days before the day fixed for the Annual Town Meeting, and 45 days before the day fixed for the Fall Special Town Meeting and any other Special Town Meetings. In the event of an emergency, said notice requirements may be waived by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen but never so that notice is less than 14 days before the date set for any Town Meeting.
Every Warrant Article shall include the name and address of the petitioner so that the Finance Committee and other tribunals may contact them to schedule their appearance at the required public hearing.
The Finance Committee will deliver its report as provided in the Charter to the office of the Board of Selectmen by noontime 10 days prior to any Town Meeting. Upon receipt, the Board of Selectmen and Town Clerk shall make available the report and recommendations of the Finance Committee as well as the Annual Town Report at no charge.
Copies of the Warrant and of the report and recommendations of the Finance Committee thereon shall be made available to the voters at Town Meeting.
As soon as practicable after the adjournment of Town Meeting, on a vote to adjourn to another day, the Town Clerk shall cause a brief statement of the day and hour to which the adjournment was voted and of the business remaining to come before Town Meeting to be posted at Town Hall and in other municipal buildings throughout Town, and, if the period of adjournment will permit, shall cause a similar notice to appear in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the Town.
Required quorum. The number of voters necessary to constitute a quorum at any Town Meeting shall be zero.
Appointment, duties of Tellers; Moderator to control stage. The Moderator shall appoint Tellers, who shall permit only registered voters to enter upon the floor at any Town Meeting. Nonregistered persons shall be seated in sections of the hall under the direction of the Moderator.
Conduct of Town Meeting. The Moderator shall determine the rules under which the Town Meeting shall be conducted, so long as such rules are generally accepted in Massachusetts for the conduct of such meetings and so long as a copy of such rules are available at each Town Meeting, on file with the Town Clerk at least 14 days prior to Town Meeting, and a copy is provided to Town Counsel at least 14 days prior to Town Meeting.
Order of voting on articles. Articles of the Warrant of the Town Meeting shall be acted upon in the order in which they appear unless otherwise determined by a 2/3rds vote of the Town Meeting or at the discretion of the Moderator.
Motions that are required in writing. All motions having to do with the expenditure of money shall be presented in writing; other motions shall be in writing if so directed by the Moderator.
Division of motions. If a motion is susceptible of division, it shall be divided and the question shall be put separately upon each part thereof, if seven voters so request.
Motions received and decided without debate. When a question is before Town Meeting, the following motions shall be received and shall be decided without debate:
To adjourn.
To lay on the table.
For the previous question.
Amending amendments to motions. An amendment to a motion shall not be amended.
Attorneys representing clients to disclose fact before speaking. Any person employed as an attorney on any matter under discussion at Town Meeting shall disclose the fact of that employment before speaking thereon.
Method of determining question when question is put. When a question is put, or on matters requiring a 2/3rds vote, the sense of the meeting may be determined, in the Moderator's discretion, by the use of an electronic tally and display system or by a raising of hands, use of voting card or placard or similar process. Votes taken by an electronic tally and display system shall be visible to the Town Meeting members and any members of the public present at the meeting. The display shall show each "yes," or "no," vote; and a tally of all votes. Votes taken by hand also shall be visible to the Town Meeting members and any members of the public present at the meeting.
The Moderator shall declare the vote, or the 2/3rds vote, as it appears to the Moderator on the electronic tally and display system or by a show of hands or use of placard or similar process. If the Moderator's decision is immediately questioned by seven or more voters rising in their places for that purpose, the Moderator may re-tally the electronically recorded votes or re-take the vote electronically, by show of hands, or use of placard, or similar process.
The Town Clerk shall make available in the Town Clerk's office, within a reasonable time after a session in which a vote(s) was taken by the use of an electronic tally and display system, a list of votes on each article. Failure to make the votes available in such manner shall not affect the validity of such votes.
After a public hearing for which the notice is posted for at least one week, the Moderator, in consultation with the Selectboard and Town Clerk, shall be authorized to adopt regulations for the purpose of facilitating implementation of electronic voting under this bylaw and for ensuring the security and integrity of the electronic voting process.
Effect of votes on amendments involving sums of money. On a proposed amendment involving sums of money, the smaller amount shall be put to the question first, and an affirmative vote thereon shall be a negative vote on the larger amount.
Requisites for voting on all articles. No article shall be voted unless and until the subject matter thereof shall have been considered after a public hearing held in accordance with § 25-12 by either the Finance Committee or other tribunal as required by law. The Finance Committee shall publish its recommendations and those of the other tribunals at least 10 days prior to Town Meeting.
Reconsideration of motions. No question shall be reconsidered at an adjourned session of a Town Meeting unless that adjourned session is held on the same evening; no vote may be reconsidered on a motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, or for the previous question.
Dissolution and adjournment of Town Meeting. No motion the effect of which would be to dissolve the Town Meeting shall be in order until every article in the Warrant has been duly considered and acted upon, but this shall not preclude the postponement of consideration of any article to an adjournment of the Town Meeting at a stated time and place.
Editor's Note: Former § 205-8, Notifications by Town Clerk after Town Meeting, was repealed 10-14-2015 STM, Art. 18.
Editor's Note: Former § 205-9, Report of committees; discharge of committees, was repealed 10-14-2015 STM, Art. 18.
Any and all registered voters shall be required to show some form of identification prior to voting at all Town meetings. Such identification shall preferably contain a photograph but, at the very least, shall be sufficient to verify the full name and address of the voter. Sufficient forms of identification include, but are not limited to, the following: Massachusetts driver’s license, passport, student I.D., utility bill or statement, library card, credit or debit card statement, lease or rental contract, mortgage or other bank statement, property tax bill or statement.