[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 1]
The Borough of East Lansdowne, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Any amusement machine or device operated by means of insertion of a coin, token, or similar object for the purpose of amusement or skill and for the playing of which a fee is charged, except the term above shall not include any jukebox or similar instrument operated solely for the emission of music.
As used in this Part, shall include every natural person, copartnership, association, or corporation, whenever used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty, or both. The term PERSON as applied to copartnerships or associations shall mean the partners, or members thereof, and as applied to corporations, the officers thereof.
Any person, as herein defined, operating or maintaining or permitting for use within the Borough mechanical or electronic devices, for the use of which a fee is charged or collected.
The Secretary of the Borough of East Lansdowne.
The Treasurer of the Borough of East Lansdowne.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 3]
No Person may at any time have in his possession or on premises owned by or controlled by him, at any place within the Borough of East Lansdowne, any mechanical or electronic device, without first having procured a license therefor from the Borough Secretary.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 4]
Any person desiring to procure a license for a mechanical or electronic device shall apply therefor in writing to the Borough Secretary. Each application for a license shall be filed with the Secretary in duplicate and shall specify;
The name address and telephone number of the applicant and if a firm, corporation, partnership, or association the principal officers therefor and their addresses and telephone numbers.
The addresses of the premises where the license device or devices are to be operated, together with the character of the business as carried on at such place.
The trade name and general description of the device or devices to be licensed, and the name of the manufacturer. Such information shall be furnished over the signature of the applicant and shall be made under oath or affirmation.
More than one but less than four mechanical or electronic devices may be located or situated in an individual restaurant, drugstore or business establishment provided such application is approved by Borough Council at a regular monthly meeting. In exercising its discretion to license hereunder Borough Council shall take into account the size, dimension and other uses of the premises, access parking, noise, and its effect upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
Review of Application. No license shall be granted until a period of 15 days have elapsed from the date of application, during which time the Borough Council may, at their discretion investigate the facts set forth in the application. The purpose of this investigation shall be to establish that the applicant is capable of conducting the proposed business of distributing or operating or maintaining said mechanical or electronic devices in the Borough in a manner consistent with the public's safety, good morals and general welfare of the community, and that those persons involved in such business can be reasonably expected to operate the proposed business in accordance with the law and free from any illegal conduct, or unwarranted noise and commotion.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 5]
Following the waiting period provided in § 203 of this Part, and upon payment by the applicant of the license fee established by resolution of Borough Council, for every mechanical or electronic device sought to be licensed, a license shall be issued by the Secretary to the applicant. Such license shall be valid for the entire calendar year for which it is issued and shall expire following the last day of such calendar year. The license shall authorize the installation or location and use upon the premises specified therein, of the number of mechanical or electronic devices for which the aforesaid license fee shall have been paid, but nothing herein shall prohibit the change or exchange of such mechanical or electronic devices, so long as the total number of such devices installed or located in and about such premises shall not at any time exceed the number set forth in the original application.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 6]
Prior to the expiration date of any license issued under this Part, the holder of such license shall apply to the Secretary for a license for the following year. The same provisions shall govern the issuance of such license as are set forth in the preceding sections of this Part.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 7]
The Code Enforcement Officer shall make periodic inspections of mechanical or electronic devices licensed under this Part.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 8]
Any license issued under this Part shall be exhibited at all times in a prominent place on the licensed premises. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of said license.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 9]
No producer shall refuse to cooperate fully with the Borough Council, the Code Enforcement Officer, or any law enforcement officer or agency.
The producer shall at all times maintain good order and shall not permit any disturbance, congestion, or loitering upon the licensed premises.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 10]
Every license issued herein is subject to revocation by the Borough Council for the violation of any the provisions of this Part. Any material misstated or omitted in the licensing application shall constitute grounds for revocation. The revocation shall occur only after a hearing before Borough Council, the licensee being given notice 10 days in advance of such hearing and provided that such notice shall state the grounds for the proposed revocation.
[Ord. 353, 11/9/1981, § 11; as amended by Ord. 401, 7/11/1988; and by Ord. 416, 4/22/1991]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 plus costs, and in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Every day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.