All uses and structures shall have sufficient off-street parking and loading spaces to accommodate vehicles in order to avoid congestion, to promote the safety and convenience of motorists and pedestrians and to ensure the continued efficient operation of the uses.
No building or premises shall be built or erected, nor shall any building be altered so as to expand its usable floor area, nor shall the use of any building or premises be expanded, unless there is provided parking space in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Off-street loading shall be in conformance with this chapter.
If a use is not listed in § 51-164, then the number of required off-street parking spaces becomes the number of spaces required for the use which most nearly approximates the proposed use.
Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be in conformance with the Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23) and federal ADA standards.
The standards of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21) (RSIS) apply and may be followed by the applicant at his option, but he is entitled to be granted a waiver by the Zoning Officer or Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment for any project that complies with this chapter or any applicable redevelopment plan or is granted a variance by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment. This waiver can be granted for the following reasons:
The standards herein are consistent with the intent of the Site Improvement Standards Act.
The standards herein are reasonable and not unduly burdensome. The standards herein promote uniformity while preserving the character, nature and look of the unique City of East Orange.
The standards herein meet the needs of public health and safety. The standards take into consideration local conditions and provide for adequate parking and design. In addition, alternative means of transportation (mass transit) reduce auto-dependency and result in less of a need for parking facilities, which is necessary for facilitation of the redevelopment of the City of East Orange.
The standards herein take into account existing infrastructure and surrounding development possibility. The modifications from RSIS requirements are of critical importance to the retention of the character of the City of East Orange and will assist in the continuance of the goal of urban redevelopment.
Off-street parking and loading design standards are enumerated in Article XXIX, Design Standards.
No unimproved lot shall be utilized for parking purposes in any district.
District regulations. No access to a parking or loading area in a business or industrial district shall be located within an exclusively residential district. No off-street parking shall be permitted in any district where the use which it serves is prohibited.
Site location restrictions. Except for driveways to the extent required for ingress and egress, areas utilized for parking and loading space shall be positioned in the rear yard or side yard of any site. Parking in the front yard area of any site is prohibited. Under no circumstances shall any parking be located in the front yard of any structure. No front yard pavement is permitted other than for the minimum area needed for pedestrian walkways and for a vehicle circulation way to connect any indoor, rear yard, or side yard parking areas directly to the street with the shortest route possible.
Driveways shall be positioned to minimize interference with existing or potential future on-street parking. The minimum distance between driveways shall be 18 feet; however, driveways for two adjacent properties can be paired close together with a maximum distance of seven feet between each driveway in the pair, but such pairs shall be a minimum of 18 feet away from another driveway or driveway pair.
Location of parking areas in all districts. Required parking for any use shall be located on the same lot or within 500 feet of the lot on which the use is located.
General automotive lift standards.
Automotive lifts shall be used only as expressly provided in this section and as part of an approved site plan in the following zoning districts: C-1, C-2, C-3, IND, IND-1, INST, R-4, R-O, TR-4, TR-O, CAE, MSE, LM, ES, VC, NW.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Automotive lifts shall comply with the applicable automotive lift requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23).
Automotive lifts shall comply with noise limitations of the City of East Orange and the State of New Jersey.
Automotive lifts shall be exempt from the parking dimensions requirements of this chapter.
Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following term shall be defined as follows:
Equipment designed to deposit motor vehicles in a parking space or to serve as the mechanism to provide a parking space by moving motor vehicles vertically and/or horizontally above floor level on pallets or platforms equipped with tracks, channels or similar devices to hold the vehicle's wheels, not the vehicle frame or designated support points, in place while the vehicle is being moved vertically or horizontally.
Usage standards.
Automotive lift usage in East Orange.
Where permitted above, automotive lifts shall only be located within a fully enclosed building.
Where permitted, automotive lifts may be used to satisfy minimum off-street parking requirements set forth in this chapter.
Where automotive lifts are utilized for the purpose of satisfying minimum parking requirements for commercial use, a professional valet is required to ensure access to all applicable parking spaces.
Where automotive lifts are utilized for the purpose of satisfying minimum parking requirements for residential use, at least one parking space for each residential dwelling unit in the building in which it is located shall be provided in a manner that would not require the moving of another vehicle. In all other situations, a twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week valet attendant is required. Automotive lifts may be used to satisfy the remaining parking requirements or parking in excess of the minimum required standards.
Permitted automotive lifts within residential buildings shall be operated only by a valet or an attendant employed by the owner or operator of the building or by an owner or resident of a dwelling unit within the building whose parking space is specifically assigned to use that automotive lift.
Height standards. Any automotive lift system used for a parking area shall be limited to the height of the interior space in which it is located.
Automotive lift design standards.
For all automotive lifts, the standards enumerated in the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23-12) shall apply.
The applicant shall certify that any permitted automotive lift shall comply with the most current ANSI/ALI ALOIM, "Safety Requirements for the Operation, Inspection, and Maintenance of Automotive Lifts," and provide a plan for ongoing operation, inspection and maintenance.
Where the nature of the building and establishment is of a kind where attendant parking is appropriate, where there is not space sufficient for standard aisle access to every parking space making tandem or stacked parking necessary, and the owner or operator has established that such facility is likely to continue and exist substantially unchanged as it affects attendant parking for a period of 10 years, and the owner or operator of the premises has made and will continue to make provision for attendant parking, then attendant parking shall be permitted, provided that there shall be submitted to the Site Plan Review Committee or other authority a workable plan which includes sufficient number of stalls of standard size to meet the parking standards contained herein and, in addition, sufficient aisles and turnaround areas to enable attendants to maneuver vehicles in and out of the area containing the necessary number of parking stalls, without requiring the attendant to utilize streets, public areas or sidewalks for maneuvering of vehicles and so that the use of the parking area will not be hazardous to the pedestrians utilizing the adjoining walkways.
Nonattendant stacked parking arrangements of up to two spaces deep are allowable in one-, two- or three-family dwellings.
In multifamily structures with four or more dwelling units, nonattendant stacked parking arrangements can only be used if both spaces in the tandem pair are assigned to the same dwelling unit.
For all other uses, stacked parking requires an attendant to ensure all vehicle owners have access to remove their automobiles from the parking facility.
Where a public parking facility is located within 500 feet of a building or use, and there exists a procedure by which the public parking facility can be designed or allocated for use in whole or part for occupants or users of buildings within such 500 feet, the Administrative Officer shall accept, in lieu of requiring parking, such number of spaces as the governing body of the public parking authority or agency may allocate for the use of the subject premises for public parking. The applicant shall present such proof as may be required to demonstrate that the applicant has met all the conditions imposed by the public parking authority or agency and that the spaces will be available for the use of the occupants of the building for a period of at least 10 years.
The Site Review Committee or the Administrative Officer, or both, may allow partial or total exclusion from floor area total as provided herein for any special or unusual facility such as employees' lounge, private auditorium, employees' cafeteria, etc., which serves as an adjunct or accessory to other uses for which parking is provided and which in itself does not create any additional attraction for users of or burden on the adjoining parking area or spaces.
Prohibited parking in residential districts. In a residence district, the following motor vehicles and boats shall not be parked or left standing in any yard area or on a driveway:
Unregistered motor vehicles of any type or design.
Trucks, tractors and commercial trailers, meaning every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than part of the weight of the vehicles and load to be drawn.
Trucks, meaning every motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and having a capacity of more than 1 1/2 tons; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to trucks being used in the rendering of services to the premises.
Trailers used for dwelling purposes; camping trailers exceeding 18 feet in length.
Boats of any type or design in excess of 18 feet.
Nothing herein shall prohibit the storing or garaging of commercial vehicles having a capacity of 1/2 ton or less in an enclosed garage.
A conditional use may be granted by the Planning Board to permit certain required off-street parking spaces to be located elsewhere than on the same lot with the use to which it is appurtenant, provided that all such space, through ownership or permanent easement, is under the control of the owner or operator of the use to which such space is appurtenant. Such required off-street parking shall not be reduced below the minimum requirements of this chapter.
For each use within a building, the total floor area related to each use, excluding basement areas of a building, not used for business shall be counted separately.
Floor area devoted to parking or loading shall not be counted. Floor area devoted to stairwells, halls, elevators and sanitary facilities, parking or loading shall not be counted.
Off-street parking spaces required herein shall be used solely for the parking of passenger automobiles of visitors, patrons, occupants or employees of the use for which required. In addition to these parking spaces, there shall be a space for each truck, ambulance, hearse, company car or other commercial vehicle regularly stored on a lot. Whenever two standards are applicable, the standard requiring more space shall apply.
For mixed-use developments, a shared parking approach to the provision of off-street parking shall be required where feasible, as determined by the approving agency. The methodology used by the developer to calculate the number of parking spaces required shall be the greater total from formulas A and B, whereby "r" equals required residential, house of worship or theater parking; and "f" equals required all other parking.
Formula A: 0.6r+1f.
Formula B: 1r+0.5f.
Parking as part of a main building or accessory building shall be permitted, provided that the parking facilities shall, upon site plan review, be found to meet the following standards:
The traffic circulation plan shall provide for ingress and egress of sufficient width, turning radius and limitations as to grade to avoid hazards to vehicles and passengers utilizing the parking facility.
The parking facility and all parts thereof shall be adequately ventilated. There shall be provisions for exhaust from motor vehicles, and safeguards shall be taken where necessary to avoid odors penetrating the residential portions of any building or structure.
There shall be provisions to insulate the use of the parking facility so as to avoid noises disturbing to dwelling units in nearby buildings.
Where necessary, by reason of elevation, there shall be sufficient parapets, guardrails or walls to prevent hazards from motor vehicles being driven or projecting beyond the limits of the parking area.
Any outside surface of the parking area and the ingress and egress therefrom exposed to public view or to windows in the residential portions of the building shall be so designed and have such fenestration, use of materials, color or other aesthetic devices as to provide an attractive facade and exposure in keeping with the requirements of a new, desirable and modern residential facility.
A multiple-deck parking structure or superstructure is a structure of two or more stories constructed of noncombustible materials with ramps or elevators and proper ingress and egress facilities, having as a primary use a parking area for motor vehicles.
Where underground or subterranean parking is permitted, the same may occupy 100% of the entire area of the premises, provided that suitable ramps shall be erected and shall be approved by the Site Plan Review Committee and Department of Public Works and presented to the Construction Official.
Parking in the side and rear yard of any building or accessory building shall be permitted, but parking in the front yard of any structure in any district is prohibited unless provided for elsewhere in this Code.
Parking at any gas service station for a rental fee shall meet the requirements of this article and the licensing regulations of the City.
Licensed off-street parking areas shall be paved, fenced and lighted.
Off-street parking spaces shall be required as follows:
Required Parking Space(s)
For Each
Assisted living facilities
3 beds, plus 1 for each 2 employees and staff
Auditoriums with fixed seating, except those accessory to houses of worship and schools, colleges and universities
4 seats
Auto laundry
Boardinghouses and rooming houses
Sleeping room
Bowling alleys
Clubs and fraternal organizations
500 square feet of floor area
2 residents, unless cars are not permitted
Eating and drinking establishments offering seating and table service, including luncheonettes, diners, restaurants and taverns not offering entertainment
4 seats
Elementary schools
Faculty member and employee
Funeral homes
Plus 1 for every 50 square feet of floor space devoted to chapel or viewing rooms
Furniture appliance stores, car sales rooms, wholesale stores
400 square feet of sales floor area
Gas stations, auto repair and service garages
Employee, plus 1 for every vehicle in service
Governmental and municipal offices
400 square feet of floor area
Hospitals and medical clinics with beds
3 beds, plus 1 for each 2 employees and staff members
Every 2 sleeping rooms
Houses of worship
4 seats
Industrial plants (manufacturing, processing, assembly, etc.)
2 employees on peak shift but not less than 1 per 2,000 square feet of floor area
Industrial warehouses
2 employees on peak shift but not less than 1 per 5,000 square feet of floor area
600 square feet of floor area
800 square feet of floor area
Medical arts building
200 square feet of floor area
Meeting rooms and other places of public assembly without fixed seating
200 square feet of floor area
Museums, exhibit halls, art galleries, community centers
1,000 square feet of floor area
Nurseries, day-care centers
1 employee, plus 1 for every 5 pupils in excess of 15
Nursing homes
Same as hospitals and medical clinics with beds
Professional offices and services in apartment houses
Office unit plus dwelling unit requirement
Professional, business, commercial and industrial offices, including financial institutions, charitable and philanthropic institutions
300 square feet of floor area
Research and testing labs
300 square feet of floor area
Bedroom in a dwelling unit, but a minimum of 1 space per dwelling unit
Housing for the elderly
3 dwelling units
Retail establishments
500 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet
Schools: high schools, colleges, universities
Faculty member and employee, plus 1 for every 8 students
Service establishments
500 square feet of floor area
500 square feet
Tennis/racquetball courts, other than municipal
4 seats
Transient residential facility for outpatient care
Employee, plus 1 for every 4 residents
Used car lots
Every car in inventory
Veterinary establishments
Treatment room, plus 1 space for each 2 employees
NOTE: When the number of parking spaces results in a fraction, the fraction shall require one parking space.
Off-street loading spaces shall be required as follows:
Required Parking Space(s)
For Each
100 apartments in excess of 50 apartments
Hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living facilities
100 beds
100 sleeping rooms
Industrial plants, repair shops
10,000 square feet of floor space
Restaurant larger than 10,000 square feet
Retail and service establishments
Store or group of stores over 15,000 and less than 30,000 square feet; an additional 1 space for every additional 10,000 square feet
0 to 500 students
Over 500 students
Wholesale establishment, industrial warehouse
7,500 square feet of floor space
NOTE: When the number of loading spaces results in a fraction, the fraction over 1/2 shall require one loading space.