[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Charlton as Art. XXXI of the 2005 Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The person in possession, care and control of a burial lot or tomb in a public cemetery in the Town of Charlton, or if there is more than one (1) such person, the person designated or entered of record by the Board of Cemetery Commissioners as being the representative of the lot or tomb in accordance with MGL c. 114, § 29, shall, within one (1) year of burial of any person in the lot or tomb, erect a durable monument or marker on the lot or tomb sufficient to identify the person(s) buried or entombed therein.
The Board of Cemetery Commissioners shall enforce the provisions of this bylaw.
Any person who continues to violate any provision of this bylaw, or of any regulation adopted hereunder, after the expiration of ten (10) days following receipt by him/her of a written notice of such violation from the Board or its designee, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) for each such violation. Each day that such violation continues after said ten-day period shall constitute a separate offense.