[R.O. 2009 §605.100; CC 1976 §16-21; R.O. 1954 §131]
Every person, firm or corporation or association engaged in selling goods, wares and merchandise of any kind, at any stand or place occupied for that purpose within the City, is hereby declared to be a "merchant", except as is or may be otherwise provided by this Article, and the term "merchant" used herein shall be construed to include all merchants, commission merchants, grocers, druggists, jewelers, butchers, confectioners, lumber dealers, wood and coal dealers, ice dealers and oil dealers, blacksmiths, plumbers and tinners selling goods, wares and merchandise, and dealers in electrical goods, department stores and mills.
[R.O. 2009 §605.110; CC 1976 §16-22; R.O. 1954 §129]
Every merchant shall pay a license tax according to the amount of stock employed in his/her business. The amount of license tax shall be determined as follows: The City Clerk shall take the statement filed by any merchant with the City Assessor on the first (1st) day of January prior to the issuance of said license as the amount of stock employed in such business, which together with the schedule set forth in this Article, shall be the basis from which said amount of license tax is determined.
[R.O. 2009 §605.120; CC 1976 §16-23; R.O. 1954 §130]
The amounts to be used in determining the amount of all merchants' license taxes are listed as follows:
Per Year
Merchants having less than $500.00 in stock
Merchants having $500.00 stock, but less than $1,000.00
Merchants having $1,000.00 stock, but less than $2,000.00
Merchants having $2,000.00 stock, but less than $4,000.00
Merchants having $4,000.00 stock, but less than $6,000.00
Merchants having $6,000.00 stock, but less than $8,000.00
Merchants having $8,000.00 stock, but less than $10,000.00
Merchants having $10,000.00 stock, or more
[R.O. 2009 §605.130; CC 1976 §16-25; R.O. 1954 §134; Ord. No. 2400 §1, 10-4-2010]
Merchants' licenses shall run for a period of twelve (12) months and commence on the first (1st) day of July in each year and whenever any person shall commence the business of merchandising after the first (1st) day of July in any year, he/she shall, on making application for license, file his/her statement as herein required, and shall pay the rate of license tax and ad valorem tax as other merchants to be estimated at the time from the day on which he/she commences business to the said first (1st) day of July next, and the ad valorem tax to the next January first (1st).
[R.O. 2009 §605.140; CC 1976 §16-26; R.O. 1954 §132]
Any merchant who has not filed a statement with the City Assessor as provided in this Article, shall upon applying for a license to do business file a sworn statement setting forth the amount of stock he/she will employ in his/her business.
[R.O. 2009 §605.150; CC 1976 §16-27; R.O. 1954 §141]
On the first (1st) day of April of each year it shall be the duty of each merchant to furnish to the City Assessor a statement of the greatest amount of goods, wares and merchandise, which they may have had on hand at any one time between the first (1st) day of January and the first (1st) day of April, next preceding; said statement shall include all goods, wares, and merchandise owned by such merchant, and consigned to him/her or them for sale by other parties. It shall be the duty of the City Assessor to enter such statement in a book to be prepared for that purpose at the expense of the City, suitably ruled, with columns for the name of the merchant, the amount of his/her or their statement as returned to the Assessor, the valuation of such statement as equalized by the County Board of Equalization for State, County and school taxes and such other columns as may be found useful or convenient in practice; such book shall be verified by the affidavit of the City Assessor annexed thereto in the following words to wit: "being duly sworn makes oath and says that he/she made diligent efforts to secure sworn statements from all persons or firms doing business as merchants in the City; that so far as he/she has been able to secure such statements they are correctly set forth in the foregoing book".
[R.O. 2009 §605.160; CC 1976 §16-28; R.O. 1954 §142]
After the Board of Equalization has met and completed their work, said book shall be delivered to the City Clerk, and the City Clerk shall extend on such book all the proper taxes at the same rate as assessed for the time on real estate, and he/she shall on or before the first (1st) day of October thereafter, make out and deliver to the Collector a copy of such book, properly certified, and take the receipt of the Collector therefor, which receipt shall specify the aggregate amount of each kind of taxes due thereon; and the Clerk shall charge the Collector with the amount of such taxes.