[R.O. 2008 §240.125; Ord. No. 2175, 5-27-2003]
Prior to the expiration of the preliminary subdivision plat, a complete application for final subdivision plat approval, including a final subdivision plat signed by the subdivider and a professional engineer or registered land surveyor, shall be submitted to the Department of Public Services. The application shall be in form established by the City (final subdivision plat application), along with a non-refundable fee established by the City Council to defray the cost of processing the final subdivision plat application. No final subdivision plat application shall be processed until the final subdivision plat application is complete and the required fee has been paid.
The following information shall be submitted in support of any final subdivision plat application.
One (1) completed and signed copy of the final subdivision plat application along with the required fee.
Copy of deed establishing ownership and evidence that all parties having a mortgage or lien interest including the owners have properly signed the plat dedication.
Copy of title report.
Certificate showing there are no delinquent taxes, fees or assessments outstanding.
Copy of the indentures and any deed restrictions or restrictive covenants and articles of incorporation and bylaws of any subdivision association.
Performance guarantee for the cost of any improvement which has not been completed at the time of submittal of the final subdivision plat application.
Maintenance guarantee as required by this Chapter.
The original recorded easement required for any off-site public utility to be dedicated that is not located within the plat and not heretofore granted to the City.
Five (5) copies of the final subdivision plat on twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch sheets and one (1) reduced eight and one-half (8½) inch by eleven (11) inch copy for staff review. After staff review, twenty-one (21) full sized copies, one (1) reduced copy and one (1) digitized version of the final subdivision plat, submitted in a format compatible with the City of Olivette mapping software, will be required for distribution to the Commission. The final subdivision plat shall be subject to the following:
Drawn to a scale from one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet through one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet, so long as the scale is an increment of ten (10) feet.
The name of the proposed subdivision.
Names and address of the owner, subdivider and the professional engineer or registered land surveyor who prepared the plat.
A vicinity map showing the relationship of the subdivision to the surrounding community. The vicinity map shall cover an area within a radius of one (1) mile of the proposed subdivision at a scale of one (1) inch equals two thousand (2,000) feet. The vicinity map shall generally locate arterial streets, highways, railroads and any significant landmarks which help to locate the subdivision.
The approximate area of the subdivision and the proposed lots therein stated in the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre, including a complete metes and bounds description of the subdivision boundaries.
Location of the subdivision by U.S.G.S. Survey System and political subdivisions, including section, town, range, township, County and State.
Title, date of preparation, scale and north arrow.
All plat boundaries based on an accurate transverse, with all angular and linear dimensions shown. Error of closure of such boundary survey shall not exceed one (1) in ten thousand (10,000) (one (1) foot for each ten thousand (10,000) feet of perimeter survey).
All blocks, lots, streets and alleys within the adjacent to the plat, all of which shall have all angular and linear dimensions given and all radii, internal angles, bearings, points of curvature, tangents and lengths of all curves, so that no dimensions or data are missing which are required for the future location of any of the corners of boundaries of blocks, lots or streets as listed above. All dimensions shall be given to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of a foot. True angles and distances shall be drawn to the nearest established official monuments, not less than three (3) of which shall be accurately described on the plat.
Accurate location of all survey monuments.
Dimensions of:
The land to be subdivided,
Each proposed lot intended for sale or lease,
Proposed common ground.
Delineation and widths of proposed streets, alleys or other rights-of-way including radii curves, cul-de-sacs and any additional rights-of-way along existing streets as may be required by the City or any other public entity having jurisdiction, indicating all rights-of-way proposed for dedication to the City or other public entity.
Setback lines, including side yard, rear yard or property line setback associated with each proposed platted lot, in accordance with the applicable zoning district classification.
Easements, existing and proposed, showing locations, widths and purposes.
Identification and delineation of any buffer areas required by the zoning ordinance.
Identification and delineation of lots, streets, alleys and easements associated with all adjoining development.
The owners of record of land adjoining the subdivision.
The existing zoning district classification(s) of the subdivision and the adjoining properties and the proposed zoning district classification(s) of the subdivision.
Proposed use of each lot within the proposed subdivision.
The delineation of Federal Flood Insurance Administration designated floodplain and floodway boundaries, if any.
Any proposed alteration, adjustment or change in the elevation or topography of any floodplain or floodway as designated on the Federal Flood Insurance Administration floodplain and floodway maps.
Identification of all utilities serving the subdivision.
The outboundary of the subdivision shall be tied to the Missouri Coordinate System 1983 in accordance with the current Missouri Minimum Standards for Property Boundary Surveys and the coordinates of the exterior corners shall be shown on the plat.
A certification by the professional engineer or registered land surveyor who prepared the plat, indicating that the final subdivision plat is a correct representation of all existing and proposed land divisions.
[R.O. 2008 §240.130; Ord. No. 2175, 5-27-2003]
The Director shall review the final subdivision plat for compliance with the approved preliminary subdivision plat and other applicable requirements of this Chapter. The Director shall distribute copies to other appropriate City personnel for review and comment. An incomplete final subdivision plat application shall be returned to the subdivider to complete necessary requirements. Upon determination by the Director that the final subdivision plat application is complete, the subdivider shall prepare and submit twenty-one (21) copies of the final subdivision plat.
Within sixty (60) days of receipt of a complete final subdivision plat and after receipt of the Director's, report, the Commission shall take action. Action by the Commission shall consist of one (1) of the following:
Approval. The Commission may approve the final subdivision plat as submitted or approve the final subdivision plat with amendments.
Disapproval. The Commission may disapprove the final subdivision plat and the grounds for disapproval shall be made a matter of record.
Failure of the Commission to act with the period specified above shall be deemed approval of the final subdivision plat. In any case, the Director shall notify the subdivider in writing within fifteen (15) business days of the Commission's action and, if approved, the Commission shall direct the Director to forward the final subdivision plat to the City Clerk for distribution to the City Council for final review.
[R.O. 2008 §240.135]
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the final subdivision plat from the Commission, the City Council shall take action on the final subdivision plat. City Council action shall consist of the following:
Approval. The City Council may, by majority vote, finally approve for the recordation of final subdivision plat as approved by the Commission or approve the final subdivision plat with amendments by two-thirds (⅔) majority vote; or
Disapproval. The City Council may disapprove the final subdivision plat. If the final subdivision plat is disapproved by the City Council, the subdivider may resubmit a new subdivision plat to the Commission in the manner described in this Chapter.
Failure of the City Council to act with the period specified above shall be deemed final approval of the final subdivision plat.
[R.O. 2008 §240.140; Ord. No. 2175, 5-27-2003]
Approval of the final subdivision plat by the City Council shall confer upon the subdivider the right to record the approved final subdivision plat in the office of the St. Louis County Recorder. No lot within the subdivision may be sold until the final subdivision plat has been approved by the City Council and the final subdivision plat has been officially recorded. The subdivider shall file the approved final subdivision plat with the office of the St. Louis County Recorder within six (6) months of the date of final approval of the final subdivision plat by the City Council.
The subdivider shall provide the City with three (3) copies of the recorded final subdivision plat. The subdivider shall also provide the City with a digitized version of the plat, submitted in a format compatible with the mapping software used by St. Louis County.
No owner, or agent of the owner, of any land located within the platting jurisdiction of any municipality, knowingly or with intent to defraud, may transfer, sell, agree to sell, or negotiate to sell that land by reference to or by other use of a plat of any purported subdivision of the land before the plat has been approved by the City Council or Planning Commission and recorded in the office of the appropriate County Recorder unless the owner or agent shall disclose in writing that such plat has not been approved by such City Council or Planning Commission and the sale is contingent upon the approval of such plat by such City Council or Planning Commission. Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall forfeit and pay to the municipality a penalty not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each lot transferred or sold or agreed or negotiated to be sold; and the description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other document used in the process of selling or transferring shall not exempt the transaction from this penalty. The City may enjoin or vacate the transfer or sale or agreement by legal action, and may recover the penalty in such action.
[R.O. 2008 §240.145; Ord. No. 2175, 5-27-2003]
If the subdivider fails to record a final subdivision plat with the office of the St. Louis County Recorder within six (6) months from the date of final subdivision plat final approval, the City Council shall require the subdivider to explain extenuating circumstances preventing the recording of the final subdivision plat. If the City Council determines that an extension of time for recording would serve the best interest of the City of Olivette, the City Council may grant one (1) extension for a period not to exceed six (6) months. If the City Council determines that an extension of time for recording would not serve the best interest of the City of Olivette, the City Council shall formally revoke its final approval of the final subdivision plat and notify the subdivider and the office of the St. Louis County Recorder of such action.