[Prior code § 17.0206(5)(a)]
Description. Indoor storage and wholesaling land uses are primarily oriented to the receiving, holding, and shipping of packaged materials for a single business or a single group of businesses. With the exception of loading and parking facilities, such land uses are contained entirely within an enclosed building. Examples of this land use include conventional warehouse facilities, long-term indoor storage facilities, and joint warehouse and storage facilities. Retail outlets associated with this use shall be considered accessory uses per Section 17.20.090.
Permitted by right (SI, UI).
Special use regulations: not applicable.
Conditional use regulations: not applicable.
Parking regulations: one space per 2,000 square feet of gross floor area.
[Prior code § 17.0206(5)(b)]
Description. Outdoor storage and wholesaling land uses are primarily oriented to the receiving, holding, and shipping of packaged materials for a single business or a single group of businesses. Such a land use, in which any activity beyond loading and parking is located outdoors, is considered an outdoor storage and wholesaling land use. Examples of this land use include contractors' storage yards, equipment yards, lumber yards, coal yards, landscaping materials yard, construction materials yards, and shipping materials yards. Such land uses do not include the storage of inoperative vehicles or equipment, or other materials typically associated with a junkyard or salvage yard. (See Subsection 3 of this section.)
Permitted by right: not applicable.
Special use regulations: not applicable.
Conditional use regulations (SI, UI):
All outdoor storage areas shall be completely enclosed by any permitted combination of buildings, structures, walls and fencing. Such walls and fencing shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and shall be designed to completely screen all stored materials from view from nonindustrialized areas at an elevation of five feet above the grade of all adjacent properties and rights-of-way. The walls or fencing shall be screened from residentially zoned property by a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 0.80;
The storage of items shall not be permitted in permanently protected green space areas (see Section 17.68.080);
The storage of items shall not be permitted in required frontage landscaping or bufferyard areas;
In no event shall the storage of items reduce or inhibit the use or number of parking stalls provided on the property below the requirement established by the provisions of Section 17.66.040. If the number of provided parking stalls on the property is already less than the requirement, such storage area shall not further reduce the number of parking stalls already present;
Storage areas shall be separated from any vehicular parking or circulation area by a minimum of 10 feet. This separation shall be clearly delimited by a physical separation such as a greenway, curb, fence, or line of planters, or by a clearly marked paved area;
Materials being stored shall not interfere in any manner with either on- or off-site traffic visibility, including potential traffic/traffic and traffic/pedestrian conflicts;
Inoperative vehicles or equipment, or other items typically stored in a junkyard or salvage yard, shall not be stored under the provisions of this land use;
Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 0.60 along all property borders abutting residentially zoned property (see Section 17.68.100);
All outdoor storage areas shall be located no closer to a residentially zoned property than the required minimum setback for buildings on the subject property;
Shall comply with Section 17.72.040, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.
Parking regulations: one space for every 10,000 square feet of gross storage area, plus one space per each employee on the largest work shift.
[Prior code § 17.0206(5)(c)]
Description. Personal storage facilities are land uses oriented to the indoor storage of items entirely within partitioned buildings having an individual access to each partitioned area. Such storage areas may be available on either a condominium or rental basis. Also known as "mini-warehouses."
Permitted by right: not applicable.
Special use regulations: not applicable.
Conditional use regulations (UI):
Facility shall be designed so as to minimize adverse visual impacts on nearby developments. The color, exterior materials, and orientation of proposed buildings and structures shall complement surrounding development;
Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 0.80 along all property borders abutting residentially zoned property (see Section 17.68.100);
Shall comply with Section 17.72.040, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses;
No electrical power shall be run to the interior of the storage units.
Parking regulations: one space for each employee on the largest work shift.
[Prior code § 17.0206(5)(d)]
Description. Junkyard or salvage yard facilities are any land or structure used for a salvaging operation including but not limited to: the above-ground, outdoor storage and/or sale of waste paper, rags, scrap metal, and any other discarded materials intended for sale or recycling; and/or the collection, dismantlement, storage, or salvage of two or more unlicensed and/or inoperative vehicles. Recycling facilities involving on-site outdoor storage of salvage materials are included in this land use.
Permitted by right: not applicable.
Special use regulations: not applicable.
Conditional use regulations (A-1):
Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 1.00 along all property borders abutting residentially zoned property (see Section 17.68.100);
All buildings, structures, outdoor storage areas, and any other activity areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines;
In no instance shall activity areas be located within a required frontage landscaping or bufferyard areas;
Shall not involve the storage, handling or collection of hazardous materials, including any of the materials listed in Section 17.66.190;
Shall comply with Section 17.72.040, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.
Parking regulations: one space for every 20,000 square feet of gross storage area, plus one space for each employee on the largest work shift.
[Prior code § 17.0206(5)(e)]
Description. Waste disposal facilities are any areas used for the disposal of solid wastes including those defined by Wisconsin Statutes 289.01(3), but not including composting operations (see Section 17.14.060).
Permitted by right: not applicable.
Special use regulations: not applicable.
Conditional use regulations (A-1):
Shall comply with all county, state and federal regulations:
Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 1.00 along all borders of the property (see Section 17.68.100);
All buildings, structures, and activity areas shall be located a minimum of 300 feet from all lot lines;
Operations shall not involve the on-site holding, storage or disposal of hazardous materials (as defined by Section 17.66.190) in any manner;
Required site plans shall include detailed site restoration plans, which shall include at minimum, detailed grading and revegetation plans, and a detailed written statement indicating the timetable for such restoration. A surety bond, in an amount equivalent to 110% of the costs determined to be associated with the restoration (as determined by a third party selected by the Village), shall be filed with the Village by the petitioner (subject to approval by the Village Administrator), and shall be held by the Village for the purpose of ensuring that the site is restored to its proposed condition. (The requirement for the surety is waived for waste disposal facilities owned by public agencies.);
Shall comply with Section 17.72.040, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.
Parking regulations: one space for each employee on the largest work shift.
[Prior code § 17.0206(5)(f)]
Description. Composting operations are any land uses devoted to the collection, storage, processing and or disposal of vegetation.
Permitted by right: not applicable.
Special use regulations: not applicable.
Conditional use regulations (A-1):
Shall comply with all county, state and federal regulations;
Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 1.00 along all borders of the property occupied by nonagricultural land uses (see Section 17.68.100);
All buildings, structures, and activity areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines;
No food scraps or other vermin-attracting materials shall be processed, stored or disposed of onsite;
Operations shall not involve the on-site holding, storage or disposal of hazardous wastes as defined by State Statutes in any manner;
Shall comply with Section 17.72.040, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.
Parking regulations: one space for each employee on the largest work shift.