[Council Rules, 7-03]
These rules may be temporarily suspended unless at least two (2) members vote to oppose the suspension. The rules shall not be repealed, unless by concurrence of four (4) members of the Board. No standing rule or order of the Board shall be rescinded or changed, or new rules introduced, unless notice of the meeting therefore shall have been given at a preceding meeting.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When a member wishes to speak, the member shall not proceed with any remarks until recognized and named by the Chair. Once recognized, the member may speak from a sitting position.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When two (2) or more members seek recognition at the same time, the Presiding Officer shall name the person who is to speak first, the other member or members having preference next to speak. Once the member knows that he/she has acknowledgement from the Chair, the member may then wait to be called.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, without permission of the Board, nor more than once until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken. In all discussion disrespectful language or personalities shall be avoided.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When a member is speaking, other members shall not hold private discourse, pass between the speaker and the Chair, or in any other manner interrupt the speaker.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
A member of the Board called to order shall immediately stop speaking unless permitted to explain. If there is no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be conclusive, but if a member appeals to the Board from the decision of the Chair, the Board shall decide the question without debate.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
Every member who shall be present when a question is stated by the Chair shall vote thereon, unless excused by the Board, or unless the member is directly or particularly interested in the question in which case the member shall not vote.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When a lengthy motion or formal resolution is made, it shall be handed to the Clerk and be read aloud by the Clerk or the Mayor before it is debated.
Every motion shall be reduced to writing if the Chair or a majority of members demands it.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
After a motion or resolution is stated by the presiding Officer or read by the Clerk, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Board but may be withdrawn at any time before a decision or amendment. After such decision or amendment, such motion or resolution may be withdrawn only by consent of the Board.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
No new motion or proposition shall be admitted under color of an amendment, or a substitute for the pending motion or proposition, which does not relate to the subject matter of the original motion or proposition.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When a question is under debate, no motion or proposition shall be entertained, except for the previous question, to postpone indefinitely, to amend, to refer to a standing or special committee or to an officer of the City, to lay on the table, or to adjourn.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except:
When a member is in possession of the floor;
While the "ayes" and "nays" are being called;
While the members are voting;
When it was the last preceding motion;
When it has been decided that the previous question shall be taken.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
The previous question shall be in substantially the following form: "Shall the main question be now put?" It shall only be admitted on demand of two (2) members and sustained by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board present and, until decided, shall preclude all amendments and further debate and shall be decided without debate. Its effect shall be to bring the Board to a direct vote upon a motion to commit, if such a motion shall have been made. If this motion does not prevail, its effect shall then be to bring the Board to a direct vote upon amendments reported by a committee, if any, then upon pending amendments and then upon the main question.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
A motion for the "previous question", to lay the question on the table, or to commit, until decided, shall preclude all amendments and debate on the main question; and a motion to amend or to postpone the question indefinitely, or to adjourn it to a certain day, shall, until it is decided, preclude all further amendment to the main question.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When a motion has once been made and carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member who voted to move for a reconsideration thereof at the same meeting or at the next succeeding meeting but not thereafter.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
If the question in debate contains several distinct propositions, any two (2) members may have the same divided.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
If any two (2) members require it, the "ayes" and "nays" upon any question shall be taken and entered on the minutes, but the "ayes" and "nays" shall not be taken unless called for previous to any vote upon the question.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When the Presiding Officer is putting any question or addressing the Board, no one shall walk out, nor shall any person visiting the meetings of the Board engage in any private discourse or speak to the Board or any member thereof, without leave of the Board.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
Questions shall be distinctly put in substantially this form: "As many as are of opinion that (as the question may be), say aye"; and after the affirmative is expressed, "As many as are of the contrary opinion say no." If the Presiding Officer is in doubt, or a division is called for, a roll call vote shall be taken. This being done, the Presiding Officer shall state the decision of the Board.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
When a nomination for office is required to be approved by Board, the Mayor shall submit the nomination to the Board at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Board meeting at which the nomination is to be considered. The nomination shall not be open to the public unless the Board votes to make it public. No person so nominated shall be appointed without the approval of six (6) of the members of the Board.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
No member of the Board of Aldermen shall be permitted to vote for or against any ordinance appropriating money or for the allowance of any account or claim or for the award or approval of any contract in which such member is directly or indirectly interested, and any ordinance, resolution or motion, having passed by the vote of such interested member, shall be deemed illegal and of no effect.
[Council Rules, 7-03]
The rules of parliamentary practice comprised in "Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised" shall govern the Board in all cases in which they are applicable and not inconsistent with the standing rules and orders of the Board and the same shall be taken as authority in deciding questions not otherwise provided for in this Article.