Sketch plans shall be legibly drawn at a scale of one inch to 100 feet or 200 feet and shall contain sufficient information to indicate the nature, scope and concept of the proposed subdivision and land development, the major problems to be resolved, the location of the subdivision tract, preliminary or USGS topography if available, the name of the landowner, and other data considered essential by the applicant in presenting his/her proposal.
Scale. Preliminary plan shall be at a scale of not more than 100 feet per inch.
Plan information.
The preliminary plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
Proposed subdivision name or identifying title.
North point, scale and date.
Name of the owner of the property and of the applicant if different from the owner.
Name of the registered engineer, surveyor, architect, or planner responsible for the plan.
Tract boundaries with bearings and distances and total number of acres being subdivided.
Topographical contours at vertical intervals of not more than five feet shall be provided on the plan. In areas of steep slopes that are affected by development or earthmoving, floodplain areas, construction areas, stormwater detention and retention facilities and conveyance swales, and in other sensitive areas where a more detailed topographical understanding is required, the Borough Council may require contours at a smaller interval.
Where reasonably practicable, data shall refer to known established elevations. Where required, all contours and elevation points within the subdivision tract shall be established and run direct from United States Coast and Geodetic bench marks within 1/2 mile of tract boundaries, with said datum fixed on permanent monuments in the subdivision. The preliminary and final plans shall contain a full and complete description of all such bench marks and their elevations above mean sea level. In the event United States Coast and Geodetic bench marks are not readily available, a beginning bench mark will be established from USGS Map Quadrangles and noted on the plan.
Soils information as mapped by the United States Natural Resource Conservation Service or by another competent qualified soils scientist.
All existing watercourses, tree masses, rock outcropping, stone fields, caverns or sinkholes, and other significant natural features.
All existing buildings, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or petroleum product lines, fire hydrants, dumps and hazardous material sites, septic systems, wells and other man-made features on the property and within 50 feet of the perimeter of the lot(s) being subdivided shall be shown on the plan.
All existing streets on or adjacent to the tract, including name, right-of-way width and pavement width.
All wetland areas shall be identified as defined and regulated by PA DEP and/or the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way and the purpose for which the easements or rights-of-way have been established, including agricultural security areas and legally established agricultural conservation easements.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided at a scale of not more than 2,000 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets, roads and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided. Also, when applicable, a map showing the location of the proposed subdivision and/or land development with respect to any involved floodplains, including information on, but not limited to, the one-hundred-year flood elevations, boundaries of the designated floodplain, proposed lots and sites, fills, flood- or erosion-protective facilities.
Location and width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights-of-way and easements; proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions; playgrounds, public buildings, public areas and parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use; proposed public utilities and drainage facilities shall be required, including preliminary street profiles showing the proposed finished grade along the center line and along each right-of-way line.
The preliminary plan shall show the names of owners of all abutting unplotted land and the names of all abutting subdivisions.
Zoning district.
Tax parcel identification number.
The proposed building setback lines from each lot line or the proposed placement of each building. If a building lot is proposed, soils information as mapped by the United States Natural Resource Conservation Service or by another competent, qualified soils scientist.
Location of proposed sidewalks and/or trails showing width, grades and ramps in compliance with applicable ADA accessibility requirements.
Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the applicant's entire holdings, a sketch shall be submitted of the potential future street layout for the remainder.
Copies of the proposed deed restrictions, if any, shall be attached to the preliminary plan.
The preliminary plan shall include therein or be accompanied by:
All required permits and related documentation from the PA DEP and any other commonwealth agency or from the county or Borough where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed.
Documentation indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities, PA DEP, the Department of Community and Economic Development, and the Federal Insurance Administrator has been notified whenever any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed.
If applicable, a traffic impact study shall be prepared pursuant to § 220-13O and P.
Any other studies or reports required by this chapter.
Plan size and legibility.
The subdivision plan submitted for final approval shall be a clear, legible black or blue line print on white paper, or suitable equivalent.
Final plans shall be on sheets not larger than 36 inches by 48 inches overall. It is recommended that, as far as practicable, final plan sheets be held to the following overall sizes: 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. Where necessary to avoid sheets larger than the maximum size prescribed above, final plans shall be drawn in two or more sections accompanied by a key diagram showing relative location of the sections.
Plan scale and required information.
The final plan shall be legible and at a scale of not more than 100 feet per inch and shall include the following information:
Subdivision name or identifying title, as well as a brief narrative describing the proposed project.
North point, scale and date, as well as a site location map of sufficient size and scale to clearly show the location of the property and its relation to the surrounding area.
Name of the record owner and applicant.
Name and seal of the registered professional engineer and/or other qualified professional responsible for the plan.
Boundaries of the tract, including total acreage of the entire existing tract.
Street lines, lot lines, rights-of-way, easements, and areas dedicated or proposed to be dedicated to public use.
Sufficient data to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every street, lot and boundary line and to reproduce such lines on the ground. However, for minor subdivisions if the residual lot is 20 acres or more, the associated bearing and distances for the boundary of the residual land may be described, at the surveyor's discretion, by the existing metes and bounds description from the property deed.
The length of all straight lines, radii, lengths of curves, tangent bearings, and deflection angles for each street.
All dimensions and angles or bearings of the lines of each lot and of each area proposed to be dedicated to public use.
The proposed building setback lines from each lot line or the proposed placement of each building. If a building lot is proposed, soils information as mapped by the United States Natural Resource Conservation Service or by another competent, qualified soils scientist.
Location, size and invert elevation of all sanitary and storm sewers and location of all manholes, inlets and culverts, and reference locations for all underground utilities.
All dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot.
Lot numbers and any official parcel information number(s) (PIN) established by the County. Deed book and page number and tax parcel identification number of tract to be subdivided or developed shall also be provided.
Names of streets within and adjacent to the subdivision.
Location of permanent reference monuments shall be shown.
Names of any adjoining subdivisions shall be shown.
Names of the owners of any adjacent land shall be shown, as well as deed book and page numbers and tax parcel identification numbers.
A letter of intent from the Borough indicating willingness or conditions for acceptance of dedication of streets and other public property.
Certificate for review with signatures by the Chairman (or his/her designated representative) of the Mifflin County Planning Commission.
Space for acknowledgement of receipt of the plan by the Mifflin County Recorder of Deeds when it is presented for recording.
Certificate of review by the Borough of Lewistown Planning Commission with signatures by the Chairman and Secretary (or their designated representatives).
Certificate for approval by the Borough Council with signatures by the President of Borough Council or, in his/her absence or disability, the Vice President of Borough Council and Secretary and, in his/her absence or disability, the Assistant Secretary (or their designated representatives).
All existing buildings, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or petroleum product lines, fire hydrants, dumps and hazardous material sites, septic systems, wells and other man-made features on the property and within 50 feet of the perimeter of the lot(s) being subdivided shall be shown on the plan.
For a lot addition subdivision a "lot combination symbol" shall be provided on the plan clearly indicating the conveyance of land from the grantor to the grantee. The symbol used shall represent a "Z."
For a lot addition subdivision the following note shall be placed on the plan: "Lot # (__) consisting of (__) acres is to be added onto land owned by (_______). Lot # (__) is a lot addition and shall become an integral part of the property owned by (_____). Lot # (__) is not a building lot and cannot be maintained or developed as a separate individual lot."
Topographical contours at vertical intervals of not more than 20 feet shall be provided on the plan. In areas of steep slopes that are affected by development or earthmoving, floodplain areas, construction areas, stormwater detention and retention facilities and conveyance swales, and in other sensitive areas where a more detailed topographical understanding is required, the Borough Council may require contours at an interval of five feet or less.
An inset map, where a lot addition is involved or where the proposed subdivision is not directly connected to a public road system. (See § 220-11B.)
All wetland areas shall be identified as regulated by PA DEP and/or the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
All existing watercourses, tree masses, rock outcroppings, stone fields, caverns, sinkholes, floodplains and other natural features. This information shall be required only for the land to be developed and not the undeveloped residual property when it exceeds 20 acres. Minor subdivisions are exempt from this provision with the exception of the identification of floodplain information.
Location of proposed sidewalks and/or trails showing width, grades, and ramps in compliance with applicable ADA accessibility requirements.
Location of proposed streetlights, street name signs, and traffic control devices and/or signs and pavement markings.
Lighting plan in accordance with § 220-13Q of this chapter, indicating types, sizes, quantities and locations of light fixtures.
A landscape plan, if applicable, in accordance with § 220-13N(7) of this chapter, including the names, sizes, quantities, and approximate locations of all proposed plant materials, if required.
For lots requiring access onto a state route or highway, a copy of a PennDOT highway occupancy permit (HOP) shall be required or, at a minimum, verification that an HOP application has been submitted to PennDOT. For lots requiring access onto a Borough street, the appropriate Borough driveway permit shall be submitted, if applicable.
Zoning district.
A waiver request with supporting rationale for any modification from provisions within this chapter.
Whether or not preceded by a preliminary plan, a final plan shall include all information required by § 220-20B.
The final plan shall include thereon or be accompanied by:
An affidavit that all owners of the land proposed to be subdivided agree to the submission of the plan.
A statement duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgement of deeds and signed by the owner or owners of the property to the effect that the subdivision or land development as shown on the final plan is made with free consent and that it is desired to record the same. In the case of a lot addition subdivision, the property owner(s) receiving the lot addition shall also sign the final plan acknowledging the receipt of the additional land and that it is desired to record the same.
Certification approval from the PA DEP when individual or community on-lot sewage disposal or water systems are to be installed, as required by § 220-13K of this chapter.
Certification that the Borough Engineer has reviewed the plan for compliance with this chapter. Such certification shall also include a listing of any incidences of noncompliance, specifically identifying the section(s) of this chapter that have not been complied with.
Construction plans for all required improvements, including typical cross sections, street profiles and drainage details for all streets. Such profiles shall show at least the following: existing (natural) grade along the proposed street center line; existing (natural) grade along each side of the proposed street right-of-way; proposed finished grade at top of curbs; sanitary sewer mains and manholes; storm sewer mains, inlets, manholes and culverts. All such plans shall include a public improvements list and shall be in a form suitable to serve as a basis for documenting all improvements to be installed.
A contour grading plan may be required if deemed necessary by the Borough Council or Borough Engineer to properly establish grading and drainage patterns. Where buildings are proposed to be developed by the applicant, such a plan may be required to indicate building ground and basement floor elevations.
Copies of private deed restrictions, covenants and grants of easements, homeowner association agreements, or other restrictions.
Any other special plans required in accordance with § 220-13C, K, L, M and Q and other sections of this chapter.
A development agreement and financial security as required herein and in Article VIII.
If applicable, a traffic impact study shall be prepared pursuant to § 220-13O and P.
Any other reports or studies required by this chapter. This may include additional information deemed by the Borough Council as necessary to protect public health, safety, and welfare as provided in § 220-13C, Environmental protection standards, of this chapter.