The Council shall meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, and these meetings shall be termed a "legislative session day." On a legislative session day, the President shall schedule the final reading of bills, the introduction of new bills, introduction and consideration of amendments to bills, resolutions, and ceremonial functions. When the first or third Tuesday falls on a holiday, the next succeeding Tuesday shall be a day for enactment of legislation.
The Council President may add to a designated legislative session day agenda other subject matter and activity that is within the powers and duties of the Council to perform or engage, in accordance with § A387-11 of this chapter. A final reading of a bill cannot be scheduled on the same legislative session day that the public hearing was held, unless it has been designated as expedited legislation.
[Amended 10-20-2020 by Res. No. 54-2020]
Proposed amendments to bills scheduled for final reading may be introduced and considered by the Council, provided such amendments are not substantive. (See § A387-42.) If the proposed amendments to a bill are substantive, then the bill shall not be adopted at the meeting. The Council President shall schedule another public hearing on the amended bill, after which the bill may be scheduled for final reading, pursuant to the Charter.
The Council President, with Council approval, may determine additional legislative days, as needed.
[Added 10-20-2020 by Res. No. 54-2020]
The Council President may schedule a Council work session or Council workshop on any Tuesday of the month, as needed. Scheduling will be based on the Council' s need to discuss issues and/or allow presentations from other departments, agencies, and the public.
[Amended 10-20-2020 by Res. No. 55-2020]
Council work sessions and Council workshops will be held in the Elk Room, or such location as authorized by the Council with public announcement so that the business can be recorded. Minutes will be taken by the Council staff, subject to approval by the Council.
[Amended 10-20-2020 by Res. No. 55-2020]
An agenda will be drafted in advance of Council work sessions and Council workshops by the Council President, and such agendas will include topics for discussion. The Council President will ask for suggested topics from Council members. The final agenda, with supporting documents, will be distributed to Council members and the public by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to a Tuesday meeting.
Public notice will be given for the Council work sessions and Council workshops in the same manner as the legislative sessions. The public is permitted to attend all meetings with the exception of closed sessions, as permitted by the Annotated Code of Maryland, State Government Article, Title 10, Government Procedures, Subtitle 5. Meetings, Section 10-508(a).
The Council may only take votes on procedural matters that are not legislative in nature at the Council work sessions and Council workshops.
The Council may schedule other meetings to perform any activity or engage any subject matter that is within its powers and duties to perform or engage, except to take legislative action. Such subject matter and activities include, but are not limited to, rezoning and budget hearings, conducting public hearings on legislative matters, consideration of nominations, fact-finding and inquiry, proposing and discussing bill amendments, as well as deliberating and debating legislation and legislative policy. Other Council meetings shall meet the requirements as outlined in Article III. The activities and subject matter specific to the designated legislative days are provided in § A387-10A.
Items requiring action by the Council that are not considered legislative shall generally be introduced at one meeting and scheduled for consideration and action at the next subsequent meeting. See § A387-49 and Appendix C[1] for format for resolutions.
The Council may convene in closed session pursuant to the Annotated Code of Maryland, State Government Article, Section 10-508(a)1 through 14. A closed meeting written statement must be completed and signed by the Council President, and such statement shall provide the public information on the date, time, location, statutory authority for the closed meeting, the reason for the meeting, and any action that was taken by the Council.
An emergency meeting may be called by the Council President, by four Council members, or by the County Executive. Upon notification to the Council of an emergency meeting, the notice of the emergency meeting must be posted on the County website and shall include the purpose, subject, location and time of the emergency meeting.
In the event that the County website or Internet access is unavailable, notices would be sent out to area media for broadcasting on local stations.
Scheduled meetings of the Council may be canceled by the Council President or the Council. The Council President may cancel a scheduled meeting due to inclement weather. The Council may cancel a scheduled meeting by an affirmative vote of at least four members, provided that the vote is taken at least seven calendar days before the canceled meeting. Should a scheduled meeting be canceled, any public hearings that may have been scheduled for that meeting shall be rescheduled.
If business cannot be concluded at the meeting in which it is scheduled for discussion, the Council may adjourn the proceedings to a later date, except business not concluded on a legislative day must be rescheduled on another legislative day, as per § A387-10A.
Council members will address personal disagreements directly with each other. They will not speak disrespectfully or dismissively of each other to anyone.
Council members will devote the time necessary to continue to foster a productive and respectful communications and working dynamic between each other and staff.
Council members will respect the roles of our positions and those of our staff. In return, Council members expect follow through, feedback and communications from staff.
Council members will always use language and tones that are respectful and civil.
Council members will be on time for meetings.
Council members will be respectful of the time of presenters and staff, and do their best to observe the times listed on the agenda.
Council members value the diverse perspectives of the members and will endeavor to keep debates focused and productive. They will not resort to personal attacks in the heat of disagreement.
Council members will uphold the meeting protocols for audience members and presenters in order to have efficient and productive meetings.
Council members will respect and expect staff and outside agencies to respect agenda deadlines and submittal requirements.
Council members will not discuss items that do not appear on the agenda. If they wish to address an issue, they will do it during the Council member comments section.
Council members will keep their comments, questions and discussion on the issues or questions before the Council.
Council members will stay focused on the business at hand during the meetings. If they need to address a personal or business matter during the meeting, they will ask the Council President to call a recess.
During the meeting, Council members will address each other as Councilman, Councilwoman, Mr. or Ms.
NOTE: As adapted from Caroline County Board of Commissioners.
[Added 11-19-2013]
Progression of disciplinary action; three-step process.
Gaveled by presiding officer or point of order called by member.
"Oral warning" means when the presiding officer uses the gavel, points out the fault, and advises the disorderly member to avoid it.
Oral warning is given when a member is out of order for the first and second incident in the same meeting.
Presiding officer or another member can call disorderly member out of order.
No vote is taken.
Move to censure.
"Censure" means when the presiding officer calls the disorderly member to be censured, after two oral warnings, and directs the secretary to take down the objectionable or disorderly words used by the disorderly member, and enter in the minutes.
Motion to censure is made when the disorderly member continues to be out of order or for a third incident during same meeting.
Presiding officer or member can make a motion to censure.
Motion should state "(name of person) has been asked to come to order, but has continued to be out of order and I move to censure (name of member)."
Vote must be taken, majority rules, disorderly member shall not vote.
If motion passes, action is recorded in minutes of meeting record.
Move to suspend.
"Suspend" means when the members vote to remove a disorderly member, who has already been censured, from the remainder of the meeting.
A motion to suspend a disorderly member is used when a disorderly member continues to be out of order or for the fourth incident during the same meeting.
Presiding officer or member can make a motion to suspend member who is out of order.
Vote must be taken, majority rules, disorderly member shall not vote.
Presiding officer will ask disorderly member to leave the chamber for the remainder of the meeting.
If disorderly member refuses, presiding officer will recess meeting and all other members will leave while Sergeant at Arms is called to escort disorderly member from meeting.
Examples of disorderly behavior.
Interrupting the speaker who has the floor.
Speaking without being recognized by the presiding officer.
Address another member instead of the Chair in debate.
Speaking on completely irrelevant matters or failing to confine remarks to merits of question.
Questioning the motives of other Council members, staff or attending citizens by name.
Showing disrespect to presiding officer, other members, staff or public.
Only the Council, by majority vote, has the power to remove a disorderly member.
Motions to censure or suspend a disorderly member are not debatable or amendable.
The progression of discipline will apply to all meetings of the Council, including Citizens Corner, work sessions and legislative sessions.
*NOTE: This section will remain in effect until December 14, 2014.