All dogs and cats being kept within the City at the time they reach four (4) months of age shall be vaccinated. Unvaccinated dogs over four (4) months of age acquired or moved into the City shall be vaccinated. Every dog that has been vaccinated shall thereafter be revaccinated as specified in Section 205.140 "Licensing Fees" of this Article.
At the discretion of the City Manager, if in his or her opinion the protection of the citizens from the dangers of rabies so demands, he or she may issue a proclamation notifying all of the residents of the City owning or having dogs and cats in their possession to muzzle such dogs and cats or keep them contained until such time as notified in his or her proclamation.
All animal bites or animals acting suspiciously shall be reported to Public Safety, along with the name and address of the person bitten. Any animal that has a bitten a person shall be placed into a veterinarian clinic for a rabies evaluation. If said animal is to be quarantined for observation for rabies, the ten (10) day observation period may be done under the observation of an attending veterinarian in an animal shelter or at a veterinarian clinic. Owner(s) of a quarantined animal shall be liable for cost for the care and maintenance of said animal.
No Public Safety Officer or other person shall kill or cause to be killed any animal suspected of being rabid, except when necessary to protect the safety of persons or other animals or to effect the capture of said animal.
If a veterinarian diagnoses rabies in a quarantined animal, then the animal shall be humanely killed and the head of said animal shall be sent to a laboratory for pathological examination and confirmation of the diagnosis. Upon being advised of a confirmed diagnosis of rabies, the veterinarian shall be required to notify the Director of Public Safety or his duly authorized representative of said rabies diagnosis, who shall notify the person bitten and the owner of the animal of said diagnosis.
The cost of the confinement of any animal as in this Section provided and any laboratory tests that may be required shall be at the expense of the person who owns or has control of said animal.
If after the period of observation of said animal it is determined that said animal is not rabid, said animal shall be released to the person who owns or controls said animal, upon payment by said person of all costs for the confinement of said animal.