[CC 1975 §18-60]
It shall be unlawful for any developer, company or person to extend or construct any sewer main without the permission of the Sewer Board of the City.
[CC 1975 §18-61]
Any developer, company or person desiring to construct a sewer main shall make application to the City on forms approved by the City and shall enter into a sewer main extension agreement with the City prior to commencement of construction.
[CC 1975 §18-62]
The extension agreement referred to in Section 700.430 shall provide that:
In its entirety the extension is constructed in strict accordance with the construction specifications, drawings and plans previously submitted by the applicant and approved by the City.
All work of construction and extension shall be at the applicant's sole cost and subject to inspection by and approval of the City during all phases of construction; that applicant shall be responsible for maintenance on such extension for a one (1) year period from the date of its completion.
Upon construction being completed to the satisfaction of the City prior to connection of the extensions to the existing sewer distribution system, all right, title and interest therein of the applicant shall be conveyed to the City, free of lien or any other encumbrance prior to such conveyance, and the City shall be furnished evidence satisfactory to it that the contractor and subcontractors, if any, of the extension have paid and discharged all indebtedness incurred by them, or any of them, for materials furnished or for work and labor done in connection with and to performance and completion of the extension project.
In any particular case where the applicant for sewer service can show by reason of exceptional topographical or other physical conditions that the literal compliance with the requirements of the above provisions would cause practical difficulty or exceptional and undue hardship, the Board of Aldermen may modify such requirements to the extent deemed just and appropriate, so as to relieve such difficulty or hardship; provided such relief may be granted without detriment to the public interest and without impairing the intent and purpose of the above regulations or the desirable general development of the neighborhood and community in accordance with the ordinance hereinabove set forth. Any modification thus granted shall be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Aldermen setting forth the reasons which, and the opinion of the Board of Aldermen, justifying the modification.
[CC 1975 §18-63]
After completion of said sewer main and after expiration of the one (1) year maintenance term, applicant shall have no further interest in the ownership and maintenance of said line and shall not be entitled to any refund or payment as a result of further extensions of said lines by others.